How long have player been running for? Maybe since the game first launched. God maybe the game decide to name the player as the virus of the systems. Player turn their head around to see if they are still being chased. They sighs as they look at the surrounding, realising they lost their away around the city now.
"Damn it" Player said in frustration as they shift their shoulders. "So your the little hacker that have been bugging the system for awhile" a voice booms as the player flinch as they turn around and look up on a building to see a large figure and a small figure.
|SUN WUKONG| TANG XUAN'Oh boy look like i will be fighting 6 arm and drip market pole' player through as they cracked their knuckles as they get ready to fight. Li ling smirked as he get ready in his fight stance. But a sudden force weighted both Li Ling and Tang Xuan down as player quickly sprinted near a electronics store and broke the glasses that was showcasing a tv as they turn around to see the two figure catching up. They use their ability to leap in the tv making them disappear. Li ling and Tang Xuan caught up as they stare at the broken glasses and the tv.
Tang Xuan look at him and Li ling smirk and look back at the tv.
They took the bait time to corner them
Player was in the cyber world which is the internet. They look around to see if anything new as little icons and websites zoom around and some floats around. Player spotted a little spark of the corner of their eye as they float towards it to see, but coming close to it lead it to zoom fast which startled player as they try following it. Until it suddenly stop in the middle of the centre of the web. Player look around as the little spark faded away as a sudden force pull them as their eyes widen of the sudden force that is pulling them up. They look and realize it was the arm of a esper they saw.
It was too fast, they can't even focus of what to do, they panic looking around to see a object to grab until object hitting them on the back of the neck making them black out.
FanfictionActiving.... Card have been actived! Esper have been developed Welcome back player [ ]! To dislyte!