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      I had been crying on the ground for about 5 minutes when someone walked by. I didn't care as that wasn't the first person to walk by, but I looked up when he crouched down in front of me.

      "Y/N? Are you crying? Oh my god.... What happened?" It was Heeseung. He grabbed me and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I didn't answer him and my tears kept falling.

      "Shhh, it's alright. You'll be okay." He ran his fingers through my hair while comforting me. "Please tell me what happened?" He held onto my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

       "I just... it's just... Ara." I dropped my face into my hands after her name left my mouth. I felt dumb for arguing with her over something so dumb. I felt like our friendship was really over.

      "Ara? Did she do something to you?" Heeseung asked me again. He was sitting across from me on the sidewalk now. I lifted my head up from my hands and spoke.

      "We'll she just.. she was gonna go see Jungwon and... I felt jealous because she barely hangs out with me anymore. So I told her that and we started to argue. Then she got mad and stormed off." I began to loudly sob once again. Heeseung pulled me into his arms and I rested my head on his shoulder to cry.

      "It's okay, Y/N. I'm sure she's just a little upset. You'll probably make up, like, tomorrow." He told me. I tried to trust him but I couldn't. I couldn't help but feel like I caused the problem.

      "I shouldn't have said anything. It's all my fault." I said while shaking my head.

      "It's not your fault. It's good that you told her how you felt left out. I'm sure she's thinking about it right now." Heeseung told me. "Cmon let's stand up before we get stepped on." He stood up and then pulled me to my feet. I sniffled and rubbed my eyes.

      "Thank you... for everything. I feel like I've cried and complained to you like 100 times already." I chuckled a little and looked at the ground while I spoke. Heeseung put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up.

      "No need to thank me. Don't feel sorry either, this is what I'm here for. I am your boyfriend after all." He smiled and me and then grabbed my hand.

      "...thank you." I told him again. He laughed a little bit since he'd literally just told me not to thank him.

      "Alright, you should go home, you're probably exhausted from crying. Let's go, I'll walk you there." Heeseung turned towards the direction my house was in. I nodded my head and together we walked to my house.

      "Bye, Y/N. Don't cry anymore okay? Call me if you feel sad." Heeseung waved at me once we reached my house.

      "I will I promise. Bye!" I waved back and he walked away. I closed the door and sighed.

      "Who's crying?" Sunoo basically popped out of nowhere and scared me half to death when he spoke.

      "Good lord Sunoo! No need to give me a heart attack!" I lightly smacked his arm.

      "Sorry. I know I'm handsome but I didn't mean to give you a heart attack." Sunoo told me while striking a pose. I laughed a little and started to make my way to my room.

      "Hey! You didn't answer my question, pabo!" He screeched after me. Just then, Jungwon walked in the room.

      "Hey Sunoo who are you- oh." Jungwon cut his sentence short when he saw me. He gave me a short glare before talking again. "Y/N we gotta talk." Knowing exactly what he was talking about, I panicked.

      "No thanks! I'm good! I'll be going upstairs now! Bye!" I turned and started sprinting towards my room. Unfortunately, like any obnoxious twin, Jungwon was right behind me and managed to make it into my room. He closed the door and sat on my bed.

      "Y/N what did you do?" He asked while crossing his arms.

      "Me!? I didn't do crap!" I flung my arms out and exclaimed loudly.

      "Don't start yelling at me too! Because of you, my girlfriend is at her house crying her eyes out! I offered to come over but she doesn't want to see anyone right now. What did you do?" Jungwon's glare deepened and I felt shocked to hear that Ara was crying.

      "It's her own fault! She suddenly forgot about me because YOU were stealing her away!" I yelled again, knowing it would get a reaction from Jungwon. And oh boy, it sure did. He stood up and pointed at me.

      "Listen to my right now! Just because I'm your brother doesn't mean you can be a jerk to me! Just because Ara enjoys spending time with me more than a boring rat from the New York sewers doesn't mean you can yell at her!!" Jungwon yelled basically as loud as possible. Thank god our parents were out or we would've been killed by then.

      Normally I wouldn't care about Jungwon's insults but now that it had to do with my best friend, I felt hurt. I felt my eyes start to water but I didn't feel sad at the moment. I glared at Jungwon and pointed at the door.

      "Get. Out. Right. Now!!" I began to push him until he was out of the room and the second he was, I locked the door. Then, I dropped onto my bed and cried again. I cried so hard my stomach hurt. Then I remembered what I'd promised Heeseung.

      Whatever, I thought, he'll understand. I continued to cry into my pillow and think about what I'd done to deserve all this sadness and stress. Just then I heard a soft knock at my door.

      "Y/N.. can I come in please?"

Guess who's at the doooor. It's not that hard I promise lol. Also I feel like Y/N cried like a lot. Maybe I should stop making her so sad.. idk.

Also sorry I keep disappearing for like a well at a time haha. I'll try to update more consistently!

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