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I lifted my head from my pillow and stared at the door for a second. I had a feeling I knew who was waiting outside. I slowly pulled myself out of bed and grabbed the doorknob.


When she opened the door, I immediately felt the need to hug her and never let go. Y/N had swollen red eyes and the tip of her nose was red as well.

"Do you need something?" She asked me and sniffled a little bit.

"..can I come in?" I asked. I sort of hesitated since I knew she might want to be alone. She waited a second before nodding her head and opening the door wider for me to come in. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Jungwon told me what happened." I let her know as I sat on her bed. She sat beside me and looked me straight in the eyes for a second.

"If you're just here to yell at me don't worry. Jungwon already took care of that." She glared at me and I could see more tears forming in her eyes.

"No I... wait what? Did Jungwon yell at you?" I asked suddenly concerned.

"I mean, a little bit. To be fair I yelled too." She told me. I sighed quietly.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I'm sure he didn't mean whatever he said. Is that why you're so upset?" I questioned her in a soft voice so she wouldn't think I was upset at her as well.

"I mean sort of. It's just a combination of all these bad things happening and people getting mad at me." Y/N dropped her head into her hands and began to sob again. I couldn't see the tears coming down her face but I knew that they were there.

"Oh my god.. Y/N. Do you want a hug?" I made sure to ask before touching her. She nodded with her head still in her hands. I wrapped my arms around her and stayed like that for a while. I'd be lying to say I didn't like it. But then I had a thought.

"Y/N... have you told Heeseung about this? I'm sure he'd be happy to comfort you." I let her go a little bit since it should've been her boyfriend holding her, not me.

"I did. He comforted me earlier. Please don't tell him about right now. I don't want to inconvenience him anymore than I already have." She shook her head and leaned into me more. I pulled my arms back around her.

"Y/N you're his girlfriend. He shouldn't feel like it's an inconvenience to help you when you're sad." I told her while slowing rubbing her back. She just shook her head again.

"Alright..." I sighed before speaking again. "Just so you know, I'm on your side even if Jungwon is my friend."


Hearing Sunoo tell me that he was on my side made me feel so good. At least somebody saw my side of the story. Well so did Heeseung. So two people saw my side of the story.

Sunoo stayed with me and hung out until I got tired. Then he went to his room and I went to bed.


I got ready for school by taking the fastest shower I'd ever taken and throwing on an outfit. I simply put on a white T-shirt and some black sweatpants. I looked a bit like a potato but that was fine with me.

After I was done getting ready in my room, I ran down the stairs and out the door. Despite what had happened with Ara, I was determined to have a good day. I made my way to school. Halfway to school I felt as though somebody was following me. I turned around and sure enough, somebody was.

"Oh Sunoo! You should've told me you were walking there. You could've walked next to me instead of behind me like a stalker." I paused so that he could catch up with me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to look like a stalker. It's just that you looked like you were deep in thought and I didn't want to interrupt." He shrugged when he finally joined me. We continued to talk all the way to school. Surprisingly, I didn't mind his presence that much.

When we finally reached the school, I saw Ara right outside the gate. She was standing with Jungwon and they were both glaring at me.

"Nasty little jerk. What a jealous rat." I heard Ara scoff as Sunoo and I walked by. Jungwon didn't say a word. Hearing my possibly-ex best friend say that about me made me upset. Sunoo grabbed my arm and started to walk faster.

"Don't listen to her. She's just upset since she knows what you said is right." Sunoo told me once we had made it into the building.

A/N: (that made absolutely no sense lmao. Just pretend it did.)

"I know.... Thank you though." I smiled at him, still determined to have a good day. The day carried on with Ara glaring at me every time I saw her in the hall. Then came the class I had with her. The class I'd been dreading. Geography.

A/N pt.2: (I can't remember if I said they had a different class together. I'm dumb and don't have the brain cells to look and check so)

      "Great. Forgot I had this class with an idiot." Ara glared at me as soon as I sat down. I glared back but didn't say anything. I wasn't about to start an argument in the middle of class. Until she spoke again, that is.

      "You know at least Jungwon has a heart. At least he cares about people. I'd much rather hang out with him then a selfish jerk like you. Wanting all my time to yourself." She scoffed at me. By now the teacher had already started but I had no intention of keeping quiet.

      "WHAT!?" I shouted, jumping up from my chair.

      "Yang Y/N! Sit down right now or you're getting detention!" My teacher shouted at me but I didn't care.

      "Just because I told you something about yourself that you didn't like doesn't mean you can be rude to me!! We've been friends for so long and if you want to end it then whatever! But DON'T argue with me everyday! I can't do it!" I threw my hands in the air as I spoke. Thank god Sunoo was in that class as well and walked over or I would've yelled at her forever.

      "Y/N calm down it's not worth it." He told me. I listened to him and sat back down in my chair. Ara had tears in her eyes but I didn't care at all. My teacher although, was fuming mad.

     "Yang Y/N, detention everyday this week after school. And don't you dare act out again or else I'll make it a whole week! Do you understand what I'm saying!?" She yelled at me.

      "Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am." I told her. I wasn't actually sorry at all though. It felt good to get my anger out somehow.

      But now I knew for good that Ara didn't want to be my friend anymore.

Another drama chapter isn't that fun? Also I actually decided to make stuff happen instead of just having Y/N cry over and over hehe.
Also I was reading over the previous chapters and literally cringing and wanting to die. I'm so sorry I hope you don't find it as cringey as I do dhforjsbc.

Tysm for reading and for 150+ reads </3

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