10. A Broken Chance

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 This day is harder than most. A reminder of all that's been lost. Two years to the hour, and Malka has done nothing but pout and whine and isolate herself. Two years exactly since that terrible snap took everyone away without remorse.

In the beginning, she thought she could help. In those three weeks of frantically trying to find a solution, she gathered information and data to see who survived. It only weighed her down, making it harder to pull herself from bed each day. So, she started trying to help out other organizations, but then Carol brought Tony back, and any sliver of hope that still remained in her heart dissipated.

It was painful to walk away after everything they had been through, but what help could she be when she could barely hold herself up and force herself to breathe through the ash that still lingered in the air? How could she keep others from breaking while being broken herself? It wouldn't be fair.

As she watches the swaying trees in the forest before her, she can't help but sigh at the absurdity of it all. She failed, yet here she sits. Her body at peace yet her mind unable to calm for even a moment.

Even when the critters come to her cave today, she knows they know something is off. Maybe they, too, mourn the disappearance of their friends. Maybe she just cannot bring herself to speak with them, even unable to understand.

A young monkey sneaks away from its compatriots and leaps over to her, wide eyes staring as he waits. It takes Malka a moment to offer her hand forward before the monkey grabs hold and climbs up to her chest, snuggling into her with a soft coo. She scratches its head before a soft buzzing makes her pause.

The monkey perks up before it produces a small phone from its fur and curls back against her. Malka straightens her back and glances around the mouth of her cave. Only once she confirms no one is around—no one human, that is—does she answer  the call.

"Happy two years, Ms. Laska."

She clenches her jaw. "Dr. McCoy, I believe I was quite clear—"

"We have a student who can talk to animals. Trust me, I haven't stepped foot back in your forest. But, given that you have this phone, I take it you've met Marty."

She does not reply, only shakes her head.

"I will get right to the point. I know you don't trust me—"

"What gave you that idea?" Malka snaps. "I should hang up—"

"Yet you haven't. You don't trust me. I'm not sure I trust you, but I know hopelessness when I see it. The fact is it's not hopeless. I don't know what went down in Wakanda that day. I don't know exactly how half of all living things disappeared, but I'm willing to work to bring them back."

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