"Chapter 4: The Change of Camilo Madrigal"

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Hello guys chapter 4 is here,so how was chapter 3 did you like'd it or not??,but enough of that chapter 4 is now beginning.

3 days have passed the Madrigal's notice Camilo's change,they notice that he always yell on small things,punishing them for a minor accident,heck this may even shock you,that he's also yelling at his Abuela,parents,Tia and Tio's,prima's,and his siblings.

And one thing they just noticed recently,Camilo's eyes were green,but when he activates blade manipulation his eyes turned red,but observing his movements and actions,he's often nice and evil,everytime.

Now you'll see his eyes turned permanent green on his left eye,and red on his right eye.

Everyone misses Camilo's real sweet smile,not the heartless,merciless grin be always show.

So it was afternoon,Camilo was in his office signing some important files for the new project he and Mirabel agreed on,"Wow,Mira i really liked the idea you just gave me,as expected from a talented person like you!!"he said smiling,Mirabel was happy that Camilo approved on her idea,"If we are struggling from candles,why don't we use solar windmills,for extra electricity!!c'mon Mira let's talk to out workers and tell them your brilliant plan!!"he said dragging her.

Mirabel giggled from his excitement,"Woah Cami,slow down!!"she said.

Camilo and Mirabel travelled to the headquarters on their workers,Camilo told them Mirabel's idea and they liked it very much,they agreed and Camilo said he'll be sending the files needed for the project,they all nodded and shake hands.

After that Camilo brought Mirabel on a very pretty lake,"Congratulations Mira,you just made a big project this year,Im so proud of you!!"he said and hugged her,"Aww,thanks Cami we both did our best on thinking about this project you deserve some credit too!!"she said.

Camilo smiled,"Mira,yes we did think of a better idea on this project,but you were the one who came up with it,of course all my credits is yours and yours alone!!"he said.

Mirabel smiled and joyfully hugged him back.

So they went back to the castle,Camilo went straight to his office we're he worked the contract for the project,after a few hours he finally finished it,he was so tired he can't even stand up.

A surprised that Mirabel came in with some snacks and drinks for him to enjoy,"Here you go cami,I requested mama to make you some chocolate arepas and i made some coffee!!"she said.

Camilo got lost in thought,"How can a sinner,a merciless man like me ended up on a pure hearted woman".

Mirabel was looking confused,and Camilo was staring at her.

At the same time Mariano was still thinking of a stupid idea on how can he disobey Camilo,his motive on doing this was to see his reaction.

Dolores came in ang hugged him,"Hello Amor!!what are you doing??"she asked,"Oh,im just thinking away how to disobey your brother!!"he said calm.

Dolores eyes widen on what he said,"Mariano!!are you crazy,didn't i tell you stop thinking about that,if you disobey him,he could do anything like kill,banned from the castle,throw you out of the Encanto!!if i were you i'd be shutting my mouth about this!!"she said and left.

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