This is, yet again another invocation that I have memorized, I highly recommend reading the books that this invocation and the one in the previous chapter come from, the books are The Iliad and The Odyssey translated by Stanley Lombardo (that is the only translated version I will read because it is better than the others in my opinion). That being said, please, enjoy.
1. Of the cunning hero, The wanderer, blown off course time and again
After he plundered Troy's sacred heights. Speak
2. Of all the cities he saw, the minds he grasped,
The suffering deep in his heart at sea
5. As he struggled to survive and bring his men home But could not save them, hard as he tried—
The fools—destroyed by their own
9. recklessness When they ate the oxen of Hyperion the Sun,
And that god snuffed out their day of return.
13. Of these things, Speak, Immortal One,
And tell the tale once more in our time.
My personal favorite poems/quotes
PoetryThis is actually not a story. It's a book with my favorite poems/quotes that I feel like should be shared. 🍄NONE OF THESE POEMS OR QUOTES BELONG TO ME (UNLESS I SAY THAT I WROTE THE POEM/QUOTE) SO ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE PEOPLE WHO WROTE THEM🍄