How didn't I notice

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Sure, Spiderman isn't that smartest guy; even he knew that. But he didn't know he was also oblivious.


It had been a long day. Between classes, Flash and his crew being absolute asses, oh, and, completely embarrassing himself in front of MJ, Peter Parker was sure the day couldn't get much worse. The spandex clad hero sighed and sat on the edge of a building, pulling his mask around him tighter and groaning.

"FUCK!" He shouted, flopping back and hitting his head a little harder than he meant to on the roof. Wincing, he rubbed the sore spot gently.

"Wow," Spiderman jerked, whipping his eyes open. "I thought you were supposed to be the friendly neighborhood Spiderman." Without thinking, the Spider hero flipped up and webbed whoever had spoken to the wall, muffling their mouth as well. It was obvious they had a big one.

He stared blankly at the person before him, "Deadpool? Seriously, of all nights." Even behind the mask, Peter could tell the man was wearing a sickeningly huge grin. He sighed and ripped the webbing off his mouth.

"Well, call me old fashioned, but I prefer dinner before being tied up, Spidey." Suddenly very glad he has a mask on to hide his burning ears, Spiderman glared at him. He did not know this Merc with a Mouth well enough to be on a nickname basis.

"Listen, I'm really not in the mood for whatever kind of insanity you have in that head today, so if I untie you, you gotta go," The smaller of the males said, pointing behind him with his thumb. He felt like maybe he was being harsh, but Stark had warned him about this one; if Stark said he was bad news, he was probably right.

The weapon wielder seemed to ponder the thought for a moment, "Nah, I'm good here then. Say, what's up that beautiful ass of yours? Seem to be in a mood."

Spidey felt his eye twitch, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Ignoring that comment, and also, none of your business. Personal life problems... A long day is all." He sighed and plopped back on the ground, watching the street below. He could practically feel the hole the mercenary was drilling into the back of his head, baring down at him from the wall.

"What kind of problems?" The Merc said suddenly, getting the younger to look back at him.

"Why do you care?"

"Well, you currently have me trapped to a wall, and it's either talk with you or the boxes." Peter looked at him confused but sighed and turned to him slightly. He figured it was just a case of personal crazy the man had.

"Well then can we talk about something, anything else? Like what you're doing here?"

"Well, I was doing my thing, ya know, hunting for the next scum on the earth to unalive, and I heard the faintest cry of a Spidey in distress, so of course I came to save that beautiful ass of yours." Again. He could hear the grin that Deadpool had.

"If you mention my ass one more time, I'm going to web your mouth shut again," Spidey warned, the killing machine raising his hands slightly in surrender. As much as he could anyway. He put his cheek against his knee, thinking. He knew about the mercenaries daily activities, of course. How he killed for money. Though before he judged him, he looked more into it; turns out the only people he killed were just down right scums. Peter had felt a little better about letting him run around after discovering that. While he didn't agree with it, he knew he couldn't do much to change his mind either. He was built to be a killing machine--- he wasn't sure if the man knew a life beyond that.

"Spideyyyy!" Deadpool shouted, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Are you really gonna leave me up here or are you gonna help me out? I promise to be on my super duper, bestest behavior!" If the mask was removed, Peter would bet money he was batting his eyes.

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