2: Ten Miles?!

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Back again with another chapter WOOO
Very sorry it took so long! I'm going on vacation this week and I haven't had much time to work on this chapter D:

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!!

( Bea's POV )

The low hum of the Havoc Marauder in hyperspace filled the air while I sat in the seat that was next to Tech's piloting seat.

I blankly stared out of the window in deep thought. I couldn't help but wonder how my friend, Axel, was doing back at home. I wonder every day. Ever since he got sick, I've been trying my best to raise enough money for him to get the medical help he needs because of how expensive medicine is these days, and the only decent paying job is bounty hunting. It's not exactly a job I enjoy, but again, it does pay well enough for me to take care of Axel.

I then snapped back into reality and silently watched as Tech pressed a few glowing buttons on the ship's control panel. The quiet clone's gaze turned up to the different shades of blue streaks from hyperspace.

"I'm hungry!" I heard a booming voice whine. Wrecker, who I just met an hour ago, I immediately assumed was the brawn of the group when I first met him. He does tend to act like a child, though.

"Wrecker, be patient." a quieter voice told him, sounding quite annoyed with the stronger clone's complaints. I assumed that was Echo, since he's the only clone here who has more of a basic clone voice.

Wrecker huffed. "Tell that to my growling stomach!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the clones' bickering. They truly do act like siblings.

I soon turned my gaze to Tech again, subconsciously observing the calm expression on his face and how the blue colors from outside of the ship reflected off of his soft brown eyes. I softly smiled to myself. He definitely didn't look like any normal clone, and I had to admit, Tech was handsome.

I quickly averted my gaze and let my smile fade when I realized what was going through my head at the moment.

No no no, what am I thinking? This isn't the time to get all giddy. He's just a random guy I was partnered up with—

My panicked thoughts were abruptly interrupted by light footsteps approaching from behind.

"Hello! Hunter didn't tell me we were getting a bounty hunter partner!" a small voice chimed. I swiveled around in my seat and fixated my gaze on a little girl with short blonde hair and big curious brown eyes. She smiled at me. The sight of this little girl instantly reminded me of my little sister, Lu. How Lu's green eyes always lit up when meeting someone new. She was always very outgoing and happy.

I quickly pushed away those thoughts because I knew I'd probably get all teary eyed just thinking about it. Would probably be best if I didn't start crying. These clones probably couldn't care less about my problems.

I forced myself to stop thinking about those things, quirking a brow and turning my gaze to Tech. "You guys didn't tell me you have a kid."

Tech flicked a small glance towards me before flicking a small switch on the control panel in front of him. "She's a clone like us, except she has pure first generation DNA." he explained, which caused a nod from the little girl.

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