Chapter II: The Hashira

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A/N: Welcome back! Let's get into this chapter, if there's any grammar mistakes my bad


No one's POV
Naruto woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs. His nose wiggled to the smell and He woke up. Naruto looked over and Satsuki is still sleeping so he looked at the nightstand that had a clock by it and it read "7:23".

Naruto yawned and sat up to stretch a bit. Satsuki moved and her nose wiggled. She opened her eyes and Naruto looked back over to his girlfriend.

"Morning" Naruto said as he doved in to give her a peck on her lips. She blushed and pushed him off.

"What was that for!! And good morning" Satsuki said pouting as she sat up in the bed to stretch.

"What? I can't kiss my girlfriend?" Naruto added with a smirk, Satsukis face turned a bright pink and covered her face.

"Baka!!" She said before she climbed out of bed and into the bathroom they had. Naruto chuckled.

'God, I love her' He said to himself. After two or five seconds he got out of bed also and headed to the kitchen. There he saw the siblings there.

Kanae looked back and smiled at Naruto so he smiled also with that same big grin.

"Good morning Naruto" She said as she continued to cook whatever she was making. Shinobu came from somewhere and looked at him with a smile.

"Good morning Kanae-San" Naruto said as he went closer to the kitchen and sat down in one of the chairs that were empty.

"Hello, Shinobu" Naruto added with a nice smile. Shinobu looked at him curiously before smiling.

"Hi" She said as she took a seat infront of Naruto. She pulled out a sketch book and wrote something in it. Naruto didn't play close attention.

Minutes later Satsuki walked out of the room and into the kitchen wearing a buttoned white shirt with black buttons and some pants.

"Good morning Kanae" She said with a smile as Kanae turned back to give her a smile.

"Morning Satsuki-Chan" Kanae said before going back to cooking.

Satsuki walked over to the two at the table and took a seat beside her boyfriend. He smiled at her.

"Thank you for saving my sister yesterday.." Shinobu said out of no where still keeping her eyes on her sketch book. Only to earn a slight smile from Satsuki

"Of course" She said with a smile. Naruto looked at Shinobu then at Satsuki.

"Breakfast is ready!" Kanae announced as she brought a tray of blueberry pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"Yes! Mmm~ that smells delicious" Naruto added earning a giggle from everyone. He smiled.

"Well thank you Naruto. Dig in everyone!" Kanae said before she took her seat beside her sister.

Everyone grabbed what they wanted and ate in silence. Once they were done Naruto went back into the room to take a shower and switch clothes.

He came back out, wearing an orange and black button shirt with black pants he was also wearing a thin silky jacket.

"Are you ready to meet the Hashira?" Kanae said as she finished washing the last dish walking over to the couple and her little sister Shinobu.

"Yes" The couple said at the same time, everyone looked at each other then laughed it off.

"Alrighty, let's go! Follow me" Kanae said as she left the house closing the door.

All four of them walked and walked until they reached a place. There were many people outside of the place one of them that caught Naruto's eye was the one who was saying UMAI nicely.

Naruto and Satsuki in KNY Universe[A Naruto Series] ~Book:1~ NARUTO X KNY||17+||Where stories live. Discover now