Chapter III: Kanao Tsyuri

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A/N: Welcome to chapter 3. I hope this chapter isn't that short for you guys


No one's POV
Satsuki woke up to the noise of Shinobu yelling about Kanae. She groaned and looked over to her sleeping boyfriend and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She slowly got out of the bed and went out of the room to go see what was going on. She went out the back and saw a another girl playing with a butterfly.

"Hello?" Satsuki said walking up to the girl. The girl flinched before looking at Satsuki with widen eyes.

"A-are you the Rinnegan..Hashira?" The girl asked gently and soft that Satsuki smiled at her.

"Yes I am" Satsuki replied with a soft smile. The girls eyes sparkled but she didn't say anything. It was almost like she was the shy version.

"S-sorry!" She apologizes and Satsuki raises an brow before remembering that she was an Hashira and people respect them and have to do certain things.

"Oh no no, Your fine! I'm Satsuki and you?" Satsuki said as she walked closer to the girl standing right beside her.

"........Kanao....."Kanao replied slowly. Satsuki looked at her then back at the doorway before looking back at Kanao.

Naruto had came outside looking for Satsuki since she wasn't in the room once he woke up.

"Satsuki?" Naruto asked making both girls turn their head towards Naruto.

"Naruto? What are you doing here" Satsuki asked Naruto as he came closer.

"I was looking for you. Because you weren't in the room" Naruto frowned at that and Satsuki giggled. "Who's that?" Naruto asked pointing a finger at Kanao.

"Oh her, this is Kanao! Kanao this is my boyfriend Naruto" Satsuki said and Kanao looked at him and blushed in embarrassment before waving hello..

"Oh Hi. Sorry if I made you embarrassed" Naruto added with a big grin.

He pulled Satsuki into a hug. He was always a needy person but not all the time. It would mostly be Satsuki who would want to cuddle 24/7.

Kanao smiled at the relationship the two had.

•A/N: I know this was short but don't attack me lol. This was a small chapter and wasn't supposed to be long in the first place actually so yeah•

See ya in chapter 4 <3

Naruto and Satsuki in KNY Universe[A Naruto Series] ~Book:1~ NARUTO X KNY||17+||Where stories live. Discover now