Who thinks they embody the traits of a Huntsman?

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Nico: Ugh...

I slowly opened my eyes, looking at my clock.  Goddammit, it's only 6:30?  Well, might as well go get some food.

I tried to get up, but noticed a weight on my chest.  I moved the covers to see Rori sleeping with her head on my chest, snoring softly.  It was adorable.  I ruffled her hair a bit, trying to get her off of me without waking her up, but I failed and she opened her eyes.  I was a bit scared as to how she would react to this situation.

Nico: Um... morning, Rori.

Rori: G'morning...

She laid her head back down and closed her eyes.  That is... not the response I expected.

Nico: Wanna go get food?

Rori: Mm-mm.

She lightly shook her head no, and snuggled into me more.

Nico: Well, they have waffles...

In a flash Rori was up and dressed, standing in the center of the room.

Rori: Waffles!

She pumped her arms in the air while maintaining her blank stare.

Nico: Okay, I know what motivates you now...

Rori: Waffles, comic books, and chocolate.

I quickly got dressed and we left the room.  I noticed Yin and Kara were still sleeping, so I set a very loud alarm clock to go off in thirty seconds.  I closed the door, doing a quiet evil laugh.

Rori: Why are you laughing?

Nico: Well, Rori, if I can't sleep...

There was a loud ringing and we heard Yin and Kara screaming.  I heard a thump as one of them fell out of their bed.  Then there was a loud crunching sound and the alarm stopped.

Rori: You're evil.

Nico: Hehe, I know.  Speaking of which, we should run before they put it togeth-


We both sprinted off down the hall, not wanting to face the wrath of Rori's older sister.


My team sat down in class, five minutes before the bell.  We looked around, but teams RWBY and JNPR weren't there.

Yin: Where are they?

The bell rang.  At the same time, both teams piled through the door, gasping for air.

Ruby: We made it!

Port: Ah, glad you decided to show up!


Port: Who in here thinks they fit these qualities?

Both Weiss and I stood up at the same time.

Nico/Weiss: I do, sir!

We both looked at each other, awkwardly.

Port: Ah, two of you?  Well, Nico can go first, then Weiss can go.

I smirked and walked to the front of the class, where the Boarbatusk was caged.

Port: Ready?

Nico: Hold on sir, is there anything... I don't know, bigger that I can fight?

Port: Oh, um, I suppose so, but I was told that I can't let the first year students fight it...

Nico: Don't worry.  I'll take responsibility if anything bad happens, but trust me when I say, I'll be fine.

Port: Very well.  This way, young man.  The rest of you may watch on your scrolls.

I followed him out of the classroom, and down in to a basement.  Although this is a castle, so I guess it's a dungeon?  Whatever.  He looked nervous as we walked down a hall, then stopped in front of a pair of double doors.

Port: Last chance, boy.  Are you sure you want to fight this Grimm?

Nico: One hundred percent.  Let me in.

Port: Okay, if you insist.  Just please... don't cut off any of it's heads.

He sighed and opened the doors.  I walked through, and there were no lights in the room.  The door shut behind me, and torches along the walls magically burst into flames... revealing a massive beast with five heads.

Back in the classroom, the other students watched as the room lit up, and were horrified to see Nico facing down a dragon-type Grimm

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Back in the classroom, the other students watched as the room lit up, and were horrified to see Nico facing down a dragon-type Grimm.

Yin: Holy...

Yang: Shit!

Rori: No... Nico...

Rori brought her knees to her face, not wanting to watch the boy she fell in love with get killed by the King Taijitu.  She closed her eyes as tears started streaming out of them.

Cardin: What the hell?  Is he... talking to it?  And why is his sword glowing.

Rori jerked her head up, grabbing her scroll and watching, remembering when she met him at the exam.

The creature roared and charged towards me again.  I fired a spear into one of it's eyes, dodging to the side as it crashed right into the wall.  It's tail whipped around, smashing into me and sending me flying across the chamber.  My aura's getting too low, I need to finish this.

Nico: Enkidu!

Gates opened around the dragon and chains flew out of them, stabbing into the Grimm and holding it in place.  I pulled out Ea, holding it over my head as the mortar began to spin.

Nico: I speak of the beginning... Heaven and earth are divided and nothingness celebrates Creation. My Sword of Rupture rends the world apart. The vortex that turns the stars, this heavenly hell signifies the end of the eve of genesis.

The monster roared and charged at me once more.  I pointed Ea directly at it's center head, as red energy swirled around it.


The red beam shot out, expanding as it overcame the beast.  It didn't kill it immediately, and the monster tried to push through to reach me.

Nico: Someone once told me that it is at the moment of death that humanity has value.  While you Grimm have no soul, know that you were at least entertaining in death.  Open the Gates of Babylon!

Hundreds of gates opened around the room and glowing golden weapons emerged.

Nico: May you rest in pieces.

The weapons fired, ripping the King Taijitu apart.  It roared in agony as it died, and that scream was likely heard all across Beacon.  I put Ea away and walked towards the door.  I reached it and walked out, as Professor Port stared in shock.  I also noticed Ozpin and Goodwitch were behind me.  Goodwitch looked just as stunned as Port, while Ozpin just smiled and drank from his signature mug.  Does that thing ever run out of coffee?

Nico: Told you I was... ready...

I fell to the floor, exhausted, and blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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