Chapter 7

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Sakura could not afford to fall asleep in class. If only she could slap herself awake without attracting the attention of her curious classmates. Words had gone round saying that she has attended classes like a good little girl. Obviously, they had expected her to skip school again since that was the normal thing for her to do. However, she would have to disappoint them this time round.

The mathematical formula on the blackboard did not make any sense to her and the way her teacher was teaching wasn’t helping either. She felt as if she was lectured by a stiff robot which only knew how to repeat its words again and again. She was beginning to regret agreeing to the arrangement with Syaoran that morning—she wasn’t feeling very confident of aceing all her subjects in one month. That was crazy!

This was definitely going to be a long day.


Sakura was thankful for the lunch break bell that rang loudly throughout the school. She slumped against her table tiredly, not caring about the disapproving looks the teacher was giving her. Her energy level was dropping since she didn’t have enough rest the day before. Should she thank Syaoran for that? Perhaps she should since it was his fault after all.

Even though she was hungry, she made no move to head towards the convenient store in the school to grab some food. She would rather spend the time to catch some much needed sleep. A full hour’s rest should be enough to last her through the rest of the classes.

A tap sounded on her table and she felt the vibrations on her cheek. Stifling a groan, Sakura looked up and found a female student standing by her table with a piece of folded paper in her hand. “I was told to pass this to you,” she said and gently placed the paper on her table. Sakura idly wondered who the girl was as she made her exit. No names came into her mind. She probably didn’t know who she was. Shrugging, she pulled her heavy hands from her side and caught the piece of paper before it flew away from her table from the breeze coming in front the window on her left.

Sakura frowned at the words on the note. She stood up and paused when all the eyes of her classmates swirled to her. She gave them a shrug before she walked towards the exit, conscious of the eyes that were on her. What was with all these classmates?

She glared at the teachers’ office sign above the door. What on Earth could he possibly want from her that it was so urgent he had to send a student after her. Wasn’t he afraid that they would be found out and he would lose his job? That teacher was really crazy!

“Sorry to disturb,” Sakura said as she slid the door open. Her eyes automatically scanned the room for Syaoran as she wasn’t sure where his table was. That idiot teacher was so happy to see her that he literally jumped up from his seat and waved to her excitedly. Sakura’s frown intensified as she walked to him.

“There you are, Kinomoto-san,” Syaoran chirped. “I was thinking that you must have missed the note or something since you are running late.”

“What do you want?” Sakura whispered, eyeing the teachers around them nervously.

“What do you mean by that?” Syaoran asked, blinking at her innocently.

“Why did you call me to the teachers’ office?”

He placed a small package wrapped in a piece of cloth on his table and he slid it nearer to Sakura. “I believe you dropped this earlier.”

“I dropped that?” Sakura asked, surprised. When did she drop that? Wait… She didn’t even know what that was! “There must have been a mistake, Li-sensei.”

“No! I’m really sure it’s yours,” he countered. When Sakura made no move to pick it up, Syaoran took the package from his table and placed it in her hands. It was a little warm to touch and Sakura arched a brow at him curiously. “You can return to your class now.”

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