Chapter 8

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"So... What's your purpose of dragging me here?" Sakura asked, a little irritated by her handsome grinning homeroom teacher sitting across the table. She darted her gaze around the busy cafe uneasily, jumping nervously when the door opened and new customers streamed in. "Aren't you afraid that someone might recognize us?"

Syaoran slapped on the table and chuckled loudly. Sakura's frown intensified as she glared at him, silently warning him to keep it down or he would attract attention to them. "This is funny! Why are you so afraid of people catching us together?"

"I used to think that you are an idiot," Sakura spat. "But now I think that you are really stupid. Really."

"Pfft... I may be stupid as you have said but I'm stupidly charming," Syaoran said, striking a pose as if there were paparazzi taking pictures of him as if he was some celebrity. He even waved to the people outside the cafe through the glass window.

Sakura felt like banging her head again the table. How did she end up with someone like him who didn't understand the importance of secrecy? "This is so not real," she grumbled unhappily. "This is a dream and I'll wake up from it soon. I can't take this anymore..."

"This is only the beginning, muffin."

Sakura's head swung up within a microsecond and her eyes was shooting knives at him. "Don't call me muffin."

Syaoran shrugged as he leaned back against the cushioned chair. "Then what should I call you? Sakura?"

Her eyes widened at how easily her name spilled from his mouth and couldn't suppress a shudder that wrecked through her body. No one called her simply by her name nowadays and it was weird to hear it from his mouth. "Not that either."

"What? You don't like your name?"

"Don't mock me," Sakura hissed as she stood up hastily. "Stop mocking me!"

Syaoran raised both his hands, palms out, in surrender. “All right—I get it. I went overboard and I'm sorry about it. Forgive me?" He shot her a puppy-eye look which no doubt would have left other girls swooning at his feet but Sakura caught herself at the last second and transformed her expression into a mighty glare. "I'm hungry after a long day at work... I didn't have my lunch so can we have an early dinner instead?"

"But you bought me lunch... and you should buy one for yourself!"

A waitress came over to their table, ready to take their order. Syaoran ordered omelette curry rice for the both of them and iced milk tea for Sakura. Sakura's arched her brow in surprise. How did he know what her favourite food and drink was? Syaoran thanked the waitress politely and handed the menu back to her so that Sakura wouldn't have a chance to take a peek at the price. By the look of the interior design of the cafe, the items wouldn't be cheap.

"How did you..." Sakura started to ask but stopped midway. She waved her question away. "Nevermind, it's nothing."

"What?" Syaoran asked, leaning forward with his arms on the table, eager to hear what Sakura wanted to ask.

"I said it was nothing," she snapped and regretted her harsh words immediately. Syaoran had done nothing but be kind to her and didn't deserve her nasty attitude. "I'm sorry."

"You must have had a long day too," Syaoran said with a slight smile and Sakura knew the two of them were back to normal. It was tiring to argue with him too.

"You have no idea," Sakura agreed. "It's just so weird not having a job. I guess I'm still not used to being jobless."

"Don't tell me that you are looking for a job already."

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