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"The exchange of affection between two people, who are not lying, is transforming."

Alex stood in front of the vanity, scrunching her wet hair in a towel, trying to dry it slightly

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Alex stood in front of the vanity, scrunching her wet hair in a towel, trying to dry it slightly. She looked pretty similar to a corpse at this point. She was clad in some of Bruce's comfortable clothes, a similar outfit he was wearing last time she saw him.

Alex picked up her dirty clothes from the floor and exited the bathroom, unsure of his whereabouts around the Manor. When she entered the bedroom, he was sitting at the end of the bed, speaking with an older man who was standing in the bedroom doorway. As soon as she entered, their conversation stopped and eyes turned to her.

"Oh, sorry." She mumbles, hugging her clothes tighter to her chest.

"It's okay. Alex, this is Alfred. He's been a close friend of my family's for a while now." Bruce says. Alex waves shyly at the man, who offers her a gentle smile.

"Bruce has told me quite a bit about you, that you're a very talented and smart Detective with the GCPD. Pleasure to meet you." Bruce sends him a small glare, like a child whose parent is embarrassing them.

"It's nice to meet you as well."

"Should I get Dory to prepare the guest room? I can prepare something to eat for the two of you." Alfred suggests, knowing nobody's been in the kitchen all night. And knowing these two were out all night, hearing them come home hours ago.

"Oh no, I've overstayed my welcome, I should be going home." Alex replies. Bruce's eyes snap towards her, anger behind them.

"That's not safe. We have more than enough room." He snaps. Alfred glances between the two in confusion, knowing much more was going on than just their work in the Joker case. But he knew Bruce was right, it wasn't safe, since her father had been killed last night. He saw the news. Obviously Alfred could put two and two together that Anthony Flores was related to Alexandra Flores.

"I'll go talk to Dory." Alfred announces, before leaving the bedroom and shutting the door after himself.

"What, do you expect me to live here now?" She wonders, wrapping her arms around her torso.

"'Stop hunting me and I'll stop hunting you.' Does that not mean anything to you? You're not safe anywhere but here Alex. Please." Bruce says, rising to his feet.

She knows he's right. But this was a lot, at once. "I need my things."

"We'll get them. Don't worry. I think though, we should eat and sleep. We've been awake way too long." Bruce explains.

They wait a little while, knowing Dory was for sure making the bed in the next room over and Alfred was putting some breakfast together. They two sat on the edge of Bruce's bed. Alex glanced around his bedroom. She wasn't sure what she expected the Wayne manor to look like, but it for sure wasn't a Gothic Mansion. It was honestly very beautiful.

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