Ice caves, you really are her

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Once we were in there however, Sid saw a bunch of deformed versions of himself, we were kind of split up, but trying to stay together. Keep moving, its hard enough to keep track of one baby already. Manny told Sid. But then there was a part too high up that Brandon slid onto and slid on the ice slides, and we all followed behind sliding around, the guys were all screaming, trying to reach the baby, but I was having fun.

Watching me have fun, Diego turned to me and rolled his eyes. Then we all fell through holes and landed on Manny. And soon we had Brandon again and fell into a big heap of snow. When we emerged, I leaped up, fully excited. Whoa yeah! Let's do that again. Frist we were like this, then we were screaming and then we were like that, and whoosh, it was a lot of fun! Yeah, Diego agreed. Who's up for round two?

The guys all turned to him with the death glare, he cleared his throat telling us to remind Brandon to be more careful. Then we left the ice part of the caves and found cave writing on the walls, like history, or a map or whatever. When Brandon got scared watching the tiger pictures attack, Sid told him that it was ok because the tigers were only playing tag with their teeth.

Hey Sid, I said circling him. Let's us 3 play tag. Diego suggested.... Both: You're it! Then we smirked and walked away. You know, bringing this baby to back to the family, you know at least that's what were saying we're doing, is actually kind of fun. It's like having a cub again, looking out for something more than just myself again, like when my sister was a cub. I'd give anything to have her back.

To have a family again. Brandon went to reach out for Manny when Manny stopped to look at the mammoths on the walls. Brandon was trying to work on walking. Once we got out of that area, Manny looked ahead. Great job you guys were right, you did it, there's half peak. I glanced over at Diego, suddenly feeling guilty, not for not telling who I was, but that we were kind of liking doing this, and being a part of this journey this little group here. I liked seeing my brother try to be who he was when we were growing up, at least just around me of course.

That all we had to do now was get to glacier pass. And then we'd be home free, we'd get rid of each other, and all go our separate ways, and never see each other again, and Brandon wouldn't make it back to his family and Manny would never again see the light of day, because of the ambush we were now almost starting to regret.

Soon we got to an area, where the ice looked thinner. I ran to catch up. Diego something's not right, I told him playfully tugging on his hear. Sid reminded Brandon that he was almost home and then told us his feet were sweating. We didn't care we kept moving forward. The ground did feel hot. He's right Diego, the ice is starting to burn. The ice is melting! I screamed. We gotta move now!

Diego and I jumped ahead. Sid said he wished he could jump like that. Manny through him over. Soon we were held up behind, wanting everyone to go faster. Then the ice starting melting faster, the lava was coming. When Diego and I jumped ahead and almost fell off, because it wasn't close enough for us to get to Manny gave Brandon to Sid, and pulled Diego up, and flung him out of harms way, then turned back for me, but we both fell.

Jade! Diego panicked, imagining Jade as myself drowning in the water. Sid cried out for Manny. Then the lava roared, and shot us up. Manny fell onto the ice, safe and sound, as did I, but now I had new burn mark around my tail, and tried to fix the ring. Jade, are you alright? Diego asked approaching me.

Why did you do that? He asked turning to Manny as he came to my side. You could've died trying to save us. Yeah Manny thanks. Well, that's what you do in a heard. Or a family I mumbled. Jade you're hurt. Diego called to me. I wouldn't get any closer. Why not? Because, after you know what it is you haven't known, you'll hate me forever and never want to talk to me ever again. You won't trust me, you'll think I've made a fool of you.

Jade? He called to me sadly. I ran off ahead. Jade! He called. He saw something black on my tail, and his eyes narrowed. He was sure he saw a black circle around my tail. His memories went other places, while Sid mentioned we were the weirdest heard he'd ever seen. Hey Diego shouldn't you go after her? But he wasn't listening, he was thinking about the fire.

*Flashback* a couple years ago literally.
I was fine, I didn't ask you to come after me. You were gone for a long time! If I hadn't someone would've thought you were dead! Then let me die! I don't need you, and you clearly don't need me! So just leave me alone! I ran off again. Farrah?! He called after me. He sniffed around. Farrah! He called after me. But I ignored him. Farrah come back! He smelled the fire. There was a fire coming. Farrah?! Where are you?! I had ran into the direction it was coming from. I was too upset and angry to notice the scent of the fire before it would've been too late.

Smoke? Fire?! Fire! My tail got cinched I had a dark circle around my tail now. He tried to come after me. Get out of here, save yourself! I called out at him. I can die, and it will be ok. You're Soto's right hand, you're second in command. Go tell the others warn them. Be with them, its what you're good at. I'm not leaving you! You have to! Why are you here, you don't care! Remember?!

He ignored my comment and was able to save me. He saw that my tail now had a dark circle around it. Farrah?! Diego run back to the pack, you all will survive and I have to too, but on my own. This is the last you'll see of me, I'm no good for you, I will always love and care about you, but you haven't done either since our parents died, and I can't change you back.

End Flashback.

T: I'm trying, he *sighed* Soon we all caught back up again. I avoided him, we all made camp, and would continue the last 3 miles to our destination in the morning. In the meantime while we were setting up camp, Soto and the others were planning their attack waiting for us to show up with the baby and Manny. And now we really did feel guilty for what they had planned and it was our job.

Brandon was learning to walk, Sid was putting sloths on the map and made us a fire, which I scooted back from. I hated fire, hated anything warm, didn't want to get burned again. As soon as Manny and Brandon went to sleep and Brandon had walked to me and Diego instead of Sid it brought happy tears to my eyes, but I was still scared. Scared of humans, scared of the fire and the water, and that my brother would kill me and break his promises with Jade if he ever found out she was me.

I glanced his way and he glanced mine. We looked into each other's eyes. My tail sat in front, visible of his eyes to see the now two dark black ash circles on my tail. I looked away swishing my tail back. As soon as he turned his eyes away from me, I walked away. I went and sat on a small hill away from the camp site. So that I could be alone. I laid down, acting like I was gonna go to sleep. When I smelled him near by.

I know your there, I *sighed* then looked behind me, and all around me. I didn't see him anywhere. Then, this happened.

New *flashback*

I sniffed around. Something was near by. Where was he? I heard a rustle in some bushes and tall grass. Diego? I hoped, thinking in my mind. Then, I was on my back, pinned. Pinned ya little sister! *Ug* go away. I whined, getting out of his grip. I got up to try and walk away, he jumped in front of me. Move aside! Make me he teased. I went the other way, but he turned the other way getting in my way again.

Never turn your back on anyone! He growled playfully. I growled tried to wrestle with him, and he pinned me again. Pinned ya again, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, I've got you where I want you, he teased. He nudged his nose against my stomach. Hey? I laughed. Stop! Diego, stop it, that tickles. He just grinned, then licked the side of my face. He nudged at me again, laying down next to me, as I flipped back onto my front side.

I love you little sister, he purred. I love you too, I said rubbing my head against his. Also purring.

Which now had happened. I snapped out of my thoughts, giggling. Hey? I growled. He laughed. You're so dramatic, I promised you I'd keep those promises no matter what, but now I know what you meant when you were always secretive, if I was gonna kill you, you'd be dead right now, and not laughing instead, luckily we're far enough away that we can't wake the others up. And a promise is a promise even to myself, that as long as we were together I'd be myself around you to be the older brother you grew up with.

I wish you were there to hear my explanation, of the things I wanted to say to you before the fire, before you disappeared for two years. I missed you he said pushing me up right purring up against me. I missed you too. I said rubbing up against him. I love you little sister. I love you two, and I know you're trying. I like the top of his head, he then smoothed the layer of fur out. Then he licked my cheek. You have no idea how much I missed you.

You have no idea how brave and how strong you are. You were braver and stronger than me, I wish I never promised not to go after you that day. I know. You left, I was a coward and stayed, I didn't follow you and instead I respected your wishes to leave you alone, I wish I never did that. I'm sorry, for everything. I forgive you, I say purring up against him. I'm never gonna let you leave my side again. Promise? I giggled. Promise he laughed back.

Good to have you back. He chuckled. You too, or most of you anyways, G-D forbid the guys ever see you playful or brotherly, after figuring out I was really your sister. I said rolling my eyes. Forget it, I'm me again, for your sake. I'd be proud to be loving and brotherly towards you in front of all and everybody. Now, come back to the camp site. He nudges me and I follow.

He lays down. I lay down next to him, as he wraps a paw around me. And snuggle up next to him. Just like old time huh? Just like old times he nods. Sweet dreams Farrah. Goodnight Diego. I love you. I love you too. Glad to have you back. Glad to be back. And Vise versa. Yeah, yeah. I'd never do it for anyone except you, you know. I know. The guys found out it was me, that's why they sent me with you to go get Brandon. I figured as much now. What a reunion this will be when we get there.

I want to stay here, with the heard. Yeah, I hate to say it, but so do I, but after they find out they'll never forgive us, we'll be turned away, but we can start our own heard, our own pack on our own just us together forever, as it should be considering you're the only family I have left. I'm officially done being Soto's right hand, now I just feel guilty about what we're doing. Me too. Well sweet dreams. I close my eyes again, He shakes his head. He licks the top of my head. Sweet dreams kid.

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