Chapter 13

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13 years ago!

A young Jungkook was frantically woken up from his nap, he looked up at his dad who had the look of horror on his face pull him up from the bed  into his arms and she ran out of the room.

"Daddy, where are we going?" The still half asleep Jungkook asked his dad who ignored him as he kept running on his tiptoes to avoid any sound.

He ran into a room and pulled open an underground door pulling his child off his arms to face him. Just then there were two gun shot heard causing the young Jungkook to panic and look back at his dad who he just noticed now has blood running down her left arm.

"Shhh baby" he shushed him hurriedly put him inside the basement kind of room but it was too small to call it an actual basement. "I need you to stay here and be quiet okay" he instructed and another gun shot was heard again causing the kid to rush back into his arms in fear already crying.

"I'm scared Dad" the boy cried trying to hold on to the father who was trying to pull him away.

"I will be back for you. Just stay hear and count one to a thousand. You have to promise papa that you are not going to come out no matter what happens" he instructed

"Don't leave me, pa" The kid shook his head refusing to be left alone.

"Bun, I promise to be back before you get to a thousand" he pressed a kiss on the child's head pushing him down into the room "Don't cry, please" he pleaded "I promise papa will be back soon" he pressed another kiss on his cheeks before closing the door as the gun shots and footsteps got louder.

"Shhh, You just be quiet. Okay?"

Jungkook nodded pressing his both palms over his mouth as tears of terror role down his eyes, he is too young to know what is going on but he knows that bad guys are at their house and it's dangerous to make any sound

"Good boy" he complimented and closed the door, pulling a rug over it.

Jungkook cried harder as he heard his dad run out of the room and the sound of gun shots got louder and more frequent.

"I, 2, 3, 4, 5..." He started counted in his head

"Jeon! I know you are in here. Come out or I am setting the house on fire" The voice of a stranger came booming all over the house.

"12, 13 , 14, 15, 16, 17..."

"There will be no need for that. I am here" Came the voice of Jungkook's dad

"You thought you could hide from me!" The strange man's voice came again and a gun shot was heard followed by a groan from Mr Jeon.

"You have a lot of nerves double crossing me Jeon! I am going to make your fucking life a living hell. I know you are hiding your kid somewhere in this house"

"He is not here!" came a pained panic voice of Mr Jeon.

"51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57....." Jungkook cried harder from both the scary dark room he was placed in and the fact that his dad was probably in trouble.

"Drag him out of here. You set the house on fire!" The strangers voice commanded

"What are you doing?! You already have me!"

"You think your wreched life is enough to punish you for what you did! Set the house on fucking fire"

"212, 213, 214, 215, 216..." The younger counted already exhausted from crying. The house have suddenly become quiet and a little hope of his dad coming to get him lite in his heart.

"230, 231, 232, 234..." It was getting hot all of a sudden.

237, 238, 239, 240..." And smokey as well.

"245, 246, 247, 248 *cough*..." Jungkook tried to minimize the sound of his coughing as the smoke kept creeping into his hiding spot

"D-Dad-dy..." He started crying again as he kept coughing nonstop at this point it was getting impossible to breath. He trying pushing open the basement door but it wasn't opening.

"D-dad....*cough* h-help *cough" he kept banging on the door feeling his lungs constrict.

He bent over coughing nonstop with tears streaming down his face. He tried to look for any other exit but there was none. It as a total closed up room with the open entrance where he was placed in from. He walked back to the door and continue to bang on it with his tiny fist.

"D-dad?...*cough...cough* h-help..*cough..cough...cough*" he could feel his head and eyes get cloudy.

Outside the burning house...

"Please! I beg you. My child is inside the house" Mr Jeon begged.

"Oh, I thought you said he wasn't inside" the man asked with a raised brow

"Please I will do anything! I beg you, he's only 12. I beg you" the man put his palm together begging with tears running down his face ignoring the excruciating pain coming from the arm he was just shot at.

The man looked at him with an expressionless face which gradually turned into an envil smirk.

"Please, Kim! I beg you spare my child"

Back to present....

Jungkook threw a harder punch at the sand bag. Continuous punches where thrown nonstop.

The sound of the sand bag been punched echoed all over the gym, as the mafia boss throw one after another punch.

With teeth gritted, eyes in a furious gaze, muscles tensed as sweat ran down his naked back stopping at the waist band of his joggers Jungkook continued to throw punch after another till he felt his anger slowly die out.

After almost an hour of throwing punches nonstop at the poor sand bag jungook finally stopped. He closed his eyes inhaling deep as the tramatizing imagine finally stopped flashing in his head.

Just like always he had the terrible nightmare again but this time it didn't stop as he woke up. He kept getting flash back of the fateful night he lost everything.

He slowly unwrapped the gauze around his knuckles and wrist feeling the soreness of the exercise on the fist. He walked back into his main house flexing the wrist to relief them.

He collected a bottle of water from his fridge taking big gulps as he continued walking till he got to his bedroom. Still feeling his hand Shakey from over using them. He got rid of the only article of clothes around his waist to go take a cold shower.

As he stood on the cold water running down muscles he closed his eyes, resting his palm on the bathroom wall still feeling muscles trying to get oxygen into them.

The dreams have never been this frequent until he heard the kim' order were coming to Korea a week ago. The whole week has been chaotic to say the less. One of his warehouse was attacked and alot of his men were injured, the incident with Mr. Bang has caused a little uproar but because it couldn't be traced to him it was still in check.

He sighed.

After washing for some minutes he walked out of the bathroom with a towel to wipe his body and hair not bothering to wrap one around his naked body.

He met his phone ringing in the bedroom when he walked out, walking closer to it he saw that it was jimin. He looked up at his wall clock to check the time and saw that it was barely 6am.

He picked up the phone, walking to his see through glass where the sun is about to rise from.

"Jk?" He heard the others voice speak through "We have a problem" the older added when he noticed Jungkook was not planning to respond back.

Jungkook sighed again.



"The Kim's Order?" You think there is any connection to our detective?

See you next chapter.

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