Chapter 25

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Yoongi has never been a morning person but here he was with freshly toasted bread in between his teeth with a stirming hot coffee by the side.

A thought had kept him all night and that's why he is in front of his computer right now trying to do some digging.

There has to be a reason why detective Kim has very few information in his disposal. This could only mean that he had a strong backup behind a computer screen.

So here he was, this time not trying to dig out information about the detective but to lure his suspect out. He typed away occasionally biting from his toast completely focused on the task at hand.

After almost an hour he exhaled in relief, hands halting on the keyboard as the trap has been successfully set. Taking a sip of his coffee he waited patiently.

All he did was send a bug against the detective files he has been trying to crack open, he is now waiting for the person on the other side of the computer to try and get rid of it then it would be easy to get a hold of their digital handprints and sneak into their firewalls.

Five minutes passed......

Another five minutes.....

Maybe it was too early and the other person was still asleep. It's not like everyone would put a heavy siren on their security system that goes off each time someone tries to tamper with his system.

Taking another sip of the coffee he decided to wait just another five minutes and if nothing happens he would just go to sleep.

Just as the time slowing counted down he finally got something...

The bait has been taken, quickly dropping the mug by the side he went to work but there was a problem.

"How the fuck did he lock me out of my own system!" He cursed out loud. Quickly picking up his back up security laptop but before he could proceed to open and try to take back control a chat screen appeared on his monitor screen.

Unknown number:
Hello dear.

He stared at the screen in irritation, he just might have underestimated the opponent a little too much but him hacking into his system and taking control is a blow to his ego. All his many years of creating the untraceable and unbreakable firewalls only for this guy to break through it within minutes.

Unknown number:
I know you are there.
You shouldn't send your little bug into unknown territory and I really hate bugs :(

Yoongi stared at the screen for another long second, then proceeds to open the laptop he just brought up and started working from it. If there is a foreign claw on his system he should be able to find some finger print from the back door.

Unknown number:
You are going to respond or just keep staring at your screen. *Yawn

Who are you?

Unknown number:
Hey, you finally responded :)
I thought you would never do and yes I already know you are trying to get back control but it wouldn't be too easy plus there is a lot of interesting information I am seeing here.

Who the fuck are you!

Unknown number:
Suga or is it Min Yoongi?
The computer wizard behind wolf gang.

It's a pleasure to meet your aquintance.
[Attached picture]
A beautiful pleasure *wink

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