The deal

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No ones pov:
"So do we have a deal" klaus asked Alaric "can you repeat the deal to me" Alaric asked confused "when our children turn 19 and 18 my daughter will marry yours combining our families together so no war between us and we will become the most powerful families in this city shall you agree to this deal the war between our families will be now longer shall you not agree I will wipe out your entire blood line including your baby girl so do we have a deal" klaus said sipping his drink Alaric took a deep breath and said "you have yourself a deal" holding out his hand to seal the deal klaus grabbed his hand harshly "great now one last thing shall you ever brake this deal off before they get married I will kill you, your wife and child personally then your blood line understand" klaus says squeezing Alaric's hand "I understand" Alaric says taking his hand away "but klaus our children are 3 and 4 their young they won't fall in love easy" Alaric said rubbing his hand "love is for the weak they will be married but you're daughter shall have her teen years i won't take that from her and my daughter will too so take you're daughter back to your side of town and keep her there till before the wedding tell her when ever you want or don't I don't care but they will be married as soon as Josie is 18 and a half no later or the deal will be void and if it is I will spill blood" Alaric nodded then baby Hope ran in the room "damnit! Women I told you to keep that fucking child out!" Klaus said yelling at Hayley slamming his fist on the counter "I'm sorry she got out of my hold" Hayley said grabbing Hope and leaving the room "honey can we go I have to still make dinner" Josette said rocking Josie in her arms "yes we can it was nice of you to have us at you're lovely home Klaus" he nodded "I'll see you soon" Klaus said as the saltzmans left

Back at the saltzman house

"What was the urgent meeting about" Josette asked well cutting vegetables "I had to make a deal" Alaric said taking a sip from his drink "what kind of deal?" Josette said setting down the knife "when Josie turns 18 and a half she will be married off to Klaus daughter to unify our families" Alaric said calmly "what the fuck how could you make a deal on our daughters life she deserves love! True love Alaric how could you do that!" Josette said upset pacing the kitchen "I had no other choice! He said if I refused he'd come for our family and kill you and the baby! I know I fucked up but at least he gave her time she'll love before she's married" "and how would she fall in love so young especially to a mikaelson she's going to hear stories she won't want to love Hope mikaelson" Josette said furious "this marriage isn't about love she will never meet her until right before the wedding Klaus said they will have their teen years and they only shall meet before the wedding we can tell her if we'd like but we don't have to till it gets closer" Josette sighed and left the kitchen she couldn't take anymore

12 years later

"Mom, Dad guess what" 15 year old Josie said running home "what happened dear your dads on a trip" jo asked well she fixed up some dinner "okay so me and Lizzie were hanging out before she had to leave to New York and I got... I got asked out to homecoming next week!" Josie said excitedly "that's wonderful dear who's the lucky person" "his name is Landon" jo gasped "Landon as in Landon Kirby" Josie squealed "yes! That's him" "he's such a handsome young fella I'm sure you'll have a fun time" Josie smiled "so what are you making for dinner" "gumbo but i know you don't like gumbo so I made you some vegan fettuccine you're favorite" "ooo thank you mom you're the best I love you but I have homework so I'll eat later" Josie said giving her mom a kiss on the cheek and ran upstairs happy

The homecoming went great Landon asked Josie out and she was more then thrilled to accept his offer oh but what's meant to come very soon will be a disaster.

Josies 17th birthday

"Happy birthday sweetheart" Josette said kissing Josie's four head giving her one of her birthday present "awww mom you didn't have too" "I didn't you're birthday gifts down stairs Landon left this on for you" Josie smiled and open the gift and smiled picking up the necklace with a Diamond in it "oh my hunny that's beautiful" "he must have saved up for months" Josie said smiling "here put it on me" Josie said to her mom and she complied "let's go eat your breakfast dad will be home after you get out of school then will set up for your small get together" Josie nodded and Josette left the room so Josie can get dressed for school

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