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No ones pov:
-Week later-

Manny walks up the stairs "you guys can take a break I'm here" manny said to the guards "Mrs.mikaelson said that we shouldn't leave our post" "I said take a break I'm her right hand man so you guys listen to me" the guards looked at each other and just nodded and left manny knocked on the door "go away!" Josie yelled "it's manny can I come in please" Josie sighed "yea come in" manny walked in "I'm sorry about Hope she means well" Josie scoffed "means well Seriously manny we both know she loves control" Josie said folding her clothes "Josie she does mean well and yea she does like control but she cares not only about you but everyone around her" manny says "manny with all do respect I don't give a shit what she cares about to me she doesn't care or she wouldn't have me locked in my room like a prisoner" Josie said to manny "well although that's all true she cares I can't be in here to long but I'm making dinner she said you can either eat what she wants me to make or nothing at all but I'm here to ask what would you like to eat tonight" manny asks Josie "I'm not hungry thank you manny" Josie said laying on her bed "Josie you haven't ate in 4 days" "manny I'm not hungry and I've ate" Josie said "okay" was all manny said and he left when her door closed Josie's stomach growled she just rolled over and fell asleep

Josie had been sleeping for hours when there was yelling on the other side of the door "I don't care manny she needs to eat!" Hope yelled at manny "Hope she's asleep let her sleep" "hell no your not trying that shit again on me manny so either you wake her up to eat or I do!" "Hope I-" "manny for fuck sakes she hasn't ate in 4 days!" Then she heard foot steps but then they stopped "you get her to eat by lunch tomorrow or so god help me you won't stop me from waking her up next time" Hope said as Josie heard footsteps descend down the hall

The next morning

"Josie" manny said knocking on the door "come in" manny walked in "breakfast is done" Josie nodded and kept writing "is she downstairs" Josie asked "yea but she's in her office" Josie nodded and stood up a little too quickly she almost fell but she didn't "it's fine I just lost balance" Josie said standing up straight and walking with manny downstairs to the table "I made a lot of vegan options their on that side of the table this side is not vegan" Josie nodded and sat down picking up a strawberry and taking a bite of it when Hope came out her office "I see your up to eat" Josie just ignored her "why haven't you eaten" Hope asked "because I wasn't hungry and even now I'm not hungry I'm going back to my room" Josie stood up but this time she fully lost her balance and Hope caught her "nope your going to sit your ass down right here and eat" Hope said helping Josie up and Josie yanked herself away "sit down Josie" "no I'm going to my room" Josie said trying to walk away but Hope grabbed her "you sit down and eat now!" Hope said yelling at Josie "mrs mikaelson I-" manny started "no manny leave us" Hope said and manny didn't protest because he knew Hope was mad "Josie you are going to sit down or so help me I will-" "you'll what hit me I wouldn't put it pass you considering your dad hits your mom" that was the last straw for Hope "you don't know shit Josie you know what you want to starve yourself then so be it go it's one less problem for me" Hope said letting go of Josie and she walked towards the stairs "don't ever talk about my family like you know us! Because you have no right!" Hope yelled at Josie "well considering I'm part of this dumb ass family now I have every right to say what I want you treat me like a prisoner!" Josie yelled back at Hope "well maybe if your dad didn't treat you like a princess you wouldn't be such a spoiled brat!" Hope yelled and Josie walked back up to Hope "spoiled brat! You fucking bitch I have been nothing but completely compliant!" At this point they were both in each other's faces "compliant my ass you snuck out without my fucking permission you know what maybe Your little boyfriend was right you are a slut or you wouldn't have been with that girl" Josie slapped Hope across her face "don't ever call me that! even though I didn't want this marriage I would never commit infidelity unlike you!" Hope walked towards Josie and backed her into the wall "look at you Josie your under my roof I could have easily put you in the cellar and left you there" Hope said to Josie "well being up here isn't any different" Josie said "oh love it's so much different but this thing you have going on with not eating is going to stop" Hope said touching Josie waist and Josie breath hitched and Hope grabbed Josie jaw softly "even if I have to force it down your throat" Hope said shoving Josie jaw to the side but not enough to hurt her and walked away and Josie walked over to the table and picked up a plate and threw it at Hope but it missed her and hit the wall and shattered Hope turned around "who ever trained you needs to be fired" Hope said laughing and Josie got more pissed off and went straight to her room and the guards were still standing there trying not to laugh Josie went in her room and slammed the door closed and started pacing her room when an idea popped in her head

A few hours later Hope came out her office and went upstairs she thought it was best to go apologize to Josie for everything she had said earlier because she really didn't mean most of it once she got to the top of the stairs the guards stood up straight "you may go I'll call you when your needed" the guards nodded and left and Hope knocked there was no answer so she opened the door "Josie?" No answer so she walked in maybe she was in the shower Hope walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the door "Josie?" No answer she opened the door Josie wasn't In there Hope walked back into the bedroom the window was opened 'no she wouldn't' Hope thought to herself "Brian and nickels!"  Hope yelled for the guards and they came running upstairs "where is she?" "I don't know ma'am she was in there since you're guys fight earlier" Hope sped walked to Brian and grabbed him by his throat "how the hell do you not know where the hell she is!" "I don't know" he said trying to breathe "you were supposed to be watching her how could you lose her!" Hope yelled at him and shoved his neck back "I'm sorry ma'am" he said choking "I WANT HER FOUND AND UNHARMED NOW!" Hope yelled as she walked away she picked up a vase and threw it in his direction

Back with Josie:

'Where to start before I'm found' Josie thought to herself as she ran down the street she then stopped and flagged down a moving car. The car stopped "hey can I hitch a ride" Josie asked the guy "sure hop in beautiful" Josie opened the door and sat in the front seat "where to?" He asked "the nearest bar" Josie said "okey dokie" he said and they drove off

Word count:1335

A/N:I know it's short legacies ended today and I don't have the energy to write more I'm sorry I'll have the next chapter out next week love y'all 😘

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