Chapter 24

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You walked up his doorstep with your script in hand. He opened the door. "Surprised you came around." "Surprised your alive." "What a nice welcoming, come in." You entered and there was carpeted floors and wallpapered walls with a plain white ceiling. There was a couch and love seat the same gold color of the wallpaper and you sat in the couch. "My family won't be home for awhile so, lets rehearse." You did all of it and when you got to the kiss scene calum eagerly kissed you. You let him kiss you, but you didn't back. When he finished he slapped your thigh." "DUDE WHAT THE HECK?!" "You're supposed to kiss back, next time the punishment is worse. "Yeah, and next time you hurt me, I'm calling the police." He shut up and kissed you again.

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