Chapter 20

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Luke's POV
I'm so so very stupid. I should have realized I was wrong. She didnt come for me. She didnt care. And this bruise hurts as hell and I don't know what mess I'm trampled in. Then Ashton came by.
L; what do you want.
A; I wanna know why your all of a sudden shy.!
L; idk man, it's just..
A; what? We all know you've got the hots for my cousin so just ask her out.!
L; I can't now, she has to kiss calum. Me and him are done, I don't wanna see him ever again and he's got her now.
A; you know you're lying talk to her.
YN; what's up guys?
A; *patted Luke's back* later guys.. Then it was just you two.

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