Chapter 9__Nearing Shelagh....

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"my princess, soldiers from Shelagh kingdom are around",  Jade, her handmaid told her.
kayla bowed.
" My princess, I think they are here to escort  you to Shelagh tomorrow", Kayla said.j
"Escort me? is it usually done like that? But soldiers from Erite did not come for Shirley then",  Cheryl expressed.
" Princess Shirley got married to a prince. Your own husband is a king. Of course you will be shown respect ", Kayla said.j
Princess cheryl " Oh!"

It seems she still hadn't woken up to reality. She still didn't know that her life will change drastically.


The carriage is ready. A retinue of 10 palace maids, four palace guards and few soldiers are ready.  The warriors are on horses while the rest will trek. The five soldiers from Shelagh are on their horses.
The palace maids and guard will go back when they got to the outskirt of Hugh while the warriors on horse will follow her to Shelagh.
Princess Cheryl came out fully dressed. She look pretty. Jade styled her hair well. Jade and Kayla entered the carriage with the princess and sat on the ground.
"The breeze is blowing gently. Shall I open the windows so my princess can enjoy the view?",  Kayla asked.
Cheryl beamed.
" yes. let's open the window", She said.
"Shall we move my princess?",  one of Shelagh soldiers asked.
" Yes", Cheryl said.
As the carriage moved, Cheryl had complicated emotions. This is the first time she will be travelling far. She also didn't know what to expect at Shelagh. After all she is going to a strange land where she is not familiar with anybody.
She hoped to have fun. She also hope that the journey will not be too tiring.
After travelling for 90 minutes, they got to the outskirt of Hugh. The palace maids and guards went back and bid farewell to the princess.
Twenty minutes later, they got to Poufe the neighbouring kingdom and the only kingdom in the east Cheryl had ever visited.
Next to Poufe is Primal kingdom. The kingdom is spacious. Most of the houses are ranches. They are few houses around.
Soon she slept off and when she woke up, the carriage had stopped.
"Why?",  She asked Kayla.
" My princess, they stopped to eat. Do you want to eat now?", Kayla asked.
"Yes. I'm hungry",  Princess Cheryl said.
After the food, the journey started again. Jade was telling stories. At sunset,  they started a camp.
A soldier from Shelagh informed her " By midday tomorrow, we would get to Shelagh"
Princess Cheryl nodded.


"Is the food ready?",  Queen Aimee asked as she entered the Royal kitchen.
" All done, your majesty", The Chief in the kitchen said.
"How about the snacks? Are you sure they are tasteful?",  She asked again.
" What about the juice? Are you sure the Orange squeezed are fresh? "
"What else is there?",  She asked as she walked out if the kitchen.
It's noon. She should be here soon. She walked into the hall and saw the maids , wiping the floors.
She was very satisfied.
Her daughter in law will surely like this reception. The Queen smiled as she entered the king's Chamber.
The king just returned from the great hall. He just finished meeting Shelagh court members.
He sigh when he saw how excited his mother is.
" We are not even married yet. She is only coming for courting week", he said hinting that he might not be satisfied with her and will discharge her after seven days.
The queen pouted.
"You wouldn't dump her will you?",  She asked him.
He didn't answer and she continued.
" During my time, I'm so exhausted coming from Fronse kingdom. I arrive in the evening and the king's mistress welcomed me since the queen had passed away. Then your father is still a prince and we've not seen each other before. I went to the hall to greet the King and met your father in the Hall. The king introduced me to him_I mean your father. He smiled at me...."
"Stop talking about father",  King Alexander snapped.
Queen Aimee swallowed and pouted.
Murphy came in and bowed to them and said
" Your Majesty, the princess of hugh is here",
Queen Aimee face brightened up.
"My daughter in law is here. I will go and welcome her. Wait for us in the throne room",  She said and walk out.
King Alexander close his eyes.
'The lady is here'

What will happen if Alexander discharge our Princess Cheryl?

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