Chapter 10__Inferiority complex

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Princess Cheryl was wowed when she entered Shelagh palace. The gate opened and her carriage drove in.
The palace is neat and spacious.
She likes what she is seeing.
"I must say. This place is beautiful", Jade said.
" And there is enough space to have fun", Kayla said.
Princess Cheryl smiled.
"You're my soul mate, kayla",  She said.
Then the carriage stopped. She comported herself and squared her shoulders.
" My princess, we've arrived. The king's mother is here to receive you", a soldier from Shelagh said.
"Oh",  She mouthed.
The door opened.
Kayla and Jade jumped out first then princess Cheryl stepped out of the carriage gracefully.
Queen Aimee smiled.
She love this lady at first sight.
She started towards the princess and met her halfway.
Princess Cheryl curtsied.
"I greet you your majesty",
The queen smiled and was satisfied.
" Welcome to Shelagh beautiful one" Princess Cheryl bowed slightly smiling.
"You're Cheryl?",  the queen asked.
" Yes, your majesty", Cheryl replied.
She was taking aback when the queen suddenly hugged her.
"Nice to meet you sweetie",  the older woman said.
Cheryl smiled widely.
'Shirley, you hold on to mistress Karen. Here is a nice, kindhearted mother for me.'
" Are you okay with me calling you sweetie", Queen Aimee asked.
"Yes. It:s okay my queen",  Cheryl said.
" Come on. The king is waiting ",queen Aimee said leading the way.
The throne room itself is very big. There are sculptures here and there. Several paintings are hung on the wall. It is such a magnificent building.
Then she saw him.
King Alexander.
But something is strange. The expression on his face is not what she expected.
Isn't he suppose to be smiling?
The King she saw during Shirley's  wedding seem to be warm and relaxed. But the face she is looking at now is cold and expressionless.
She Curtsied.
" Long live your majesty. I wish you good health and peace through out your reign ", She said.
" Welcome",is all he said.
'What? Is this really the king that attended Shirley's wedding?'
"You must be tired after the long journey. Let's eat so that you will take a nap", he said and stood up.
They followed behind him. They passed a hallway and finally got to the palace dining room.
Shelagh is great in architecture.
The three of them say down. The food was already served and someone was introducing the foods on the table.
The person then pour orange juice in all their glasses. Princess Cheryl felt like puking when she saw this act.
Hope she os not expected to drink this?
She quickly throw a glance to Kayla. Kayla was about to speak when the queen said.
" I hope you like this delicacies. Also take note of orange drink. It's the king's favourite drink", the queen saud smiling.
'Favourite? But I dislike it '
But now she had to drink it since it's been mentioned that it is the king's favourite. Why orange juice? Apple juice is even more expensive! Watermelon juice, pineapple juice, Cherry juice, lemon juice, they are just so many of them. Why does it have to be orange.
Orange is Shirley's favourite for goodness sake!
How is she suppose to drink what Shirley likes most and What her mother love preparing because Shirley likes it.
Their mother will always pour the largest amount for Shirley and we give her just small portion even when she knew she liked it too. There are times she will make orange juice and will bring it to Shirley's chamber without giving her any.
Cheryl stopped drinking orange juice since she was fifteen and she is not planning on drinking it again.
She started eating. She can just ignore the juice without anyone notice. She ys not going to drink it.
Some minutes into eating silently, She heard a voice said.
"Cheers on your arrival, princess Cheryl",
Princess Cheryl look up to be sure of the voice she heard. King Alexander but that not the problem. He is holding the glass of orange juice!
Queen Aimee raise her own cup of juice and she did that too. And the king took a sip of the juice. Queen Aimee drank the juice too and they both watched her. Then she smiled and took a sip. Queen Aimee continue eating. But King Alexander is still looking at her so she swallowed the juice.
She drank Shirley's favourite juice, the allergy she gave herself. Shirley will feel smug if she heard that she drank orange juice!
" You should rest after the meal and look around in the evening. ", Queen Aimee said.
" Okay , your Majesty", Cheryl replied.
"Try calling me mother",  Queen Aimee said.
So soon.
Princess Cheryl  smiled and said.
The queen beamed. Hearing a young lass like Cheryl calling her mom make her feel she is still young.
"You remind me of Amelia,the princess",  Queen Aimee said
Cheryl just smile.
She took the cup of orange juice to her mouth again and took a sip.
Now that she thinks about it, orange juice tastes so good.
Since King Alexander likes it, she can also start liking it.

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