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My hands dug deep inside my pocket with the hood of my dark green hoodie covering half of my face. I leaned my back on the pillar. The sound of rain covering all the other sounds around me.
I stood in the narrow path between the two houses. The environment smelt like the earthly fragrance after rain mixed with the smell of cigarettes.

I turned my head glancing at the boy in front of me. "I'll pay double." The words left my lips. I tapped my feet on the ground getting impatient with every second passing by. The boy heaved out a sigh rolling his eyes.

"Since you are so stubborn and also a regular I'll take that bait." Funny. It's all about money. His voice void of any emotions. He sounded like annoyance and irritation. I lifted my head to glare at him. He only glared at me back with his dark, cold empty eyes.

"Yoongi, you better hurry." He looked away huffing in annoyance. "Tommorow after school hours. Behind the flower shop near our college." The rain started getting heavier. I glanced at my watch. I needed to be home very soon.  I had been out for way too long. And all because of this brainless boy.

"Can't I get it now? I really need it." The corner of his lips tugged up. He gave me a mocking smirk that I wanted to wipe away from his face with a hard punch right then. But I didn't. I couldn't afford to be in any more trouble than I already was.
"I bet you do." He muttered. The playfulness and teasing in his tone was quite audible. I sucked in a sharp breathe scratching my nape. I had no other option rather than to wait for another day.

"Fine. Next time you better keep some with yourself for me." He scoffed again snatching away the black umbrella from my hands. "Don't be late." He shouted above the sound of the rain. I cursed under my breathe. It was too late until I spoke. He had already opened the umbrella and disappeared into the dark night.

"Nothing new. I'm born with bad luck." I grinned to myself before I started walking down the road with the rain soaking my figure. It was easy to get home. Since it was both late at night and raining heavily. My house wasn't far and apparently I was alone at that big place tonight. A privilege for me. Thanks to the maid who took a half day.

Minutes later the main entrance of my house was in sight but my eyes widened looking at the big black car parked in front of it. Then I noticed the lights that were switched on inside the house. Instantly, I knew I was doomed if I got caught.

I jumped the fence walking to the back side of the house. Climbing the water pipe that led to my bathroom I slipped inside sneakily.

"Y/n, are you inside?" I flinched hearing the loud shout. Quickly stripping off my clothes, I threw them in the laundry basket. I was grateful to myself that I already had a pair of clothes ready inside my bathroom. I don't leave my house without preparations.
"Y/n!!" The shout became louder with the loud sound of the door banging. It was so close from breaking down into pieces.

I quickly wrapped a towel around my head unlocking the door. He stepped aside squinting his eyes at me. I made an eye contact before looking away.
"You're early." I said walking away casually as if it wasn't a big deal and not at all weird that I came out of the bathroom in the middle of the night looking like I just took a bath.

"You were taking a bath? At this time?" I nodded my head drying my wet hair. He walked towards me. "You know y/n, you are my little sister. I can look at your face and tell when you are lying." Yes. I know he doesn't trust me. No need to make me realize every single time.

Anyways, I have never done anything that would make him trust me. I rolled my eyes turning around. "I couldn't sleep because of you know what and I felt too itchy so I took a bath. Is taking a bath suspicious to you?" I knew my brother too well too. He is clever. Very very clever. He uses his brain at places he doesn't need too.  But he has a soft spot for me and especially when I mentioned a particular thing.

His eyes softened. He kept his hand on my shoulder. "I worry for you. I know what you are going through. I don't want you to be alone. You have me, okay?" I internally scoffed. When did I ever have anyone? And definitely not him. He wants me talk with him over the phone for two minutes. I'd pass.

I hummed nodding my head. He ruffled my hair. "Good night." And walked away. I locked my door plopping on my bed. I heaved out a sigh. Maybe Universe is on my side today.

He came home alone and probably leave early tomorrow. I pulled the covers closing my eyes to sleep.
Today wasn't really that bad.


"Money, first." He grinned making me roll my eyes. I pulled out the money from my pocket shoving it in his hands snatching away the little packet from his hands.

"Never see you again. Gonna find a better dealer than you." I spat walking away bumping into his shoulders. Sliding it inside my back pack I took a bus to my house. I couldn't wait to reach my room.

Excitement filled my lungs. With every second passing by I was getting more and more impatient. My leg was shaking up and down as I scratched my nape since I was feeling itchy. My skin was probably scarred at the area where I continuously scratched every day.

The bus stopped as I walked to my house. Slamming the door shut of my room I pulled out the packet from my bag pack tossing it away on the floor.

I kneeled in front of the table opening the packet and letting the white powder get spread on the wooden table. I rolled the paper keeping my one hand on the table. Keeping the paper near my nose I snorted the powdery stuff.

Slowly my veins relaxed. My head feeling too light. The blood circulating faster inside me. I threw my head back falling flat on my bed. The voices in my head went silent, my body feeling numb. I couldn't move a single muscle. Not like I wanted to.

It felt good. It felt.... dead!

I shut my eyes letting the world around me revolve. I didn't want to move with the fast moving world. I was happy with being stuck on my place, stuck in time.

"Y/n!" A stern familiar voice ringed throughout the room but my ears quickly shut down. I heard the door slamming against the wall and two pairs of legs were in my sight.

But I was too high to realize it.

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