Chapter 17

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"WHERE ARE WE?" DANNY asks as we climb the stairs leading to the padlock bridge.

It turns out the carnival is a tribute to our deceased loved ones. I only realized that as we arrived at the end of the road, where a large banner floated over us. The banner had a variety of colours where a little girl's hand stretched to an adult who's actually a ghost because of its translucent body. People believe that the deceased are never really gone, for they're still around, watching over their loved ones. And it's because of that, it's tradition to host a carnival as a sign of gratitude for these ghosts.

I have lost nobody. Well, anybody that I'm close with. My great grandmother and aunt from my mom's side passed before my teen years. I remembered attending their funerals and witnessing everyone grieving while I wasn't. It made me feel like the villain, for I didn't feel sad when I was supposed to be.

I know nothing about my great-grandmother or aunt, so; I doubt they're watching over me. Then again, probably nothing's watching over me. Maybe not the good spirits.

"Quite a coincidence, I must say," We arrived at the bridge, where we continued walking towards the center. It's strange walking over a tame river, and I could see my reflection on the surface. Golden dragonflies bounced around the surface, searching for prey or becoming one. I always pictured rivers to be fast and raging, that if one may fall, there's no chance of surviving.


"See those locks over there?" I pointed at the railing where hundreds or thousands of padlocks were locked. There weren't many people on the bridge, and we could have this spot all to ourselves. Looking at the variety of coloured locks and custom sketching or words over them made me realize I had two padlocks in my pockets as well. Now I understand why these padlocks were prizes for the carnival games. "People dedicate these locks to our loved ones. On this day, it's mainly for the deceased, but people would also dedicate it to the living."

He got a closer look as his mysterious eyes studied them, one by one. He placed his finger under a green padlock which had the words, "Marcus and Chloe, Together till the End," in grey marker. I'm assuming they're a couple.

"Here," I rest my giant teddy bear on my shoulder and reach in my pocket to pull out the padlocks, handing one to him. "Maybe you wanna dedicate something to someone whom you've lost?"

"I don't," he said.

"No one? Not even your mother?"

"No," he said. "I never knew her, so I can't miss her, and I hate my father. I only have grandpa, but sometimes I hate him as well."

"I see," I kept nodding as I did not know how to respond. I glance down at the baby blue padlock in my hand. The vintage-looking key with a blue sticker on it, signifying that it belongs to the blue lock.

Aside from the dead, I have no gratitude for the living people in my life. Mom and dad? Sure, I love them, but that's all there is. The same goes for my friends and little sister. Does that make me cruel like the Red Demon?

"Alright then," I lay the bear aside and pull out the marker from my pocket. "I'll write your name on mine."

Obviously, Danny and I just met, and it's weird to put his name on something that holds a deep meaning. If Victor were here, he would've told me to write Hannah's name because, in a way, she is dead to me. The Hannah I knew, I mean. I miss that, Hannah.

Regardless, I want nothing more to do with her. I'm trying to move on and heal the damages she's caused. And so far, things are looking up. Well, away from my house, that is.

Danny. My kidnapper, who is also the Red Demon, is the most wanted criminal in many states. A man who's had a rough history, but, in my eyes, he's a lonely soul who's crying out for help. He's the only person with whom I felt real again since Hannah, and I want to keep this feeling alive in me.

I just hope I could return the favour to him.

"Why?" He sounded confused.

"Why not?" It's complicated to explain, so here's to hoping he'll figure it out by himself someday.

I removed the cap from the marker and wrote his name in a cursive letter on the padlock. It's beautiful that the grey marker glitters under the light, which makes it seem like platinum from afar. When I was done, I used the key to unlock it and lock it along with the rest.

Finally, I loosen my grip and watch the key fall into the river below us. Now, the river holds the key to my lock, representing my love for Danny.

"What does writing my name on a padlock represent?" Danny asked after a while.

"My love," I said. "And our friendship."

His eyes widened, and I assumed my gesture disgusted him. Oh well, as he should be.

"Shall we?" I suggested, heading back, but instead, he shook his head and snatched the marker from my pocket.

He began writing or drawing something on his padlock, then locked it right next to mine.

My name is what he wrote. His handwriting isn't the best thing in the world, but it's also not the worst thing.

I stand in front of our padlocks sitting side by side, and wonder if he's figured it out or does this mean he likes me too?

"It's only fair, right?" He slides the marker back into my pocket.

"Yeah," I cross my arms against my chest, simply staring at our locks, finding it hard to believe that I, Oliver Quinn, had come to love my kidnapper. And god only knows if this is a good or bad thing.

"I have to go now," he pulled me back from my thoughts. "Grandpa texted saying he needs help with something."

He picked up the prized bear and handed it to me. "Will I see you again?" He asked.


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