I own you too (Yandere Sukuna x reader)

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         (Yandere Sukuna x reader)

This is a high school au... meaning they are not in Jujitsu high...

Itadori's pov:

It's been a rough weekend, I can't wait to see her. But where's is she? she should be done with her class by now. Suddenly a pair of soft hands covered both of my eyes.

"Peekaboo! guess who! "

I chuckled, who is she trying to fool? I can recognize her even in a crowd of people. Her soft hands, that intoxicating smell of her perfume, and that honey sweet voice like no other. It can only be her. But she did keep me waiting for like an hour, so I decided to tease her a little.

"Umm, I can't figure it out, are you... maybe Jessica? "

I felt her hands leaving my eyes, but before I could open my mouth to utter my next words, I felt a sharp jab at my lower abdomen. Air got sucked out from my throat as the words got stuck. only that came out was a whimper.

"Arghh! that hurts y/n!" I said, my eyes watering.

"Oh, am I not Jessica anymore? " she was as red as a tomato, that was a cute site to see too.

"You know I was kidding! of course I know it's you. I was just teasing you a bit"

"Well I don't like it!" she turned around was started walking. I followed her like a little puppy trying to apologize. It took some time but she finally looked at me and smiled.

I've been dating y/n for about two months now, It wasn't easy approaching her. She is the kind of person who doesn't want to open up to other people, she would rather build a wall around her than to let anyone in.

"What are you thinking about? I've been calling you" She asked cupping my cheeks.

"I was just thinking how lucky you are to able to find a boyfriend like me"

y/n visually cringed. I laughed like a maniac as I changed the topic reminding her about our camping tonight.

"Yeah I've already packed everything, did you call Fushiguro and Nobara? You know that can be careless about things. I don't want to hear that they don't have the most important things at last moment"

I smiled at her. "Those two are a handful for sure, well only Nobara for that Matter"

"And you" y/n added, giving me a smug look.

"Hey! I'm a responsible adult ok?" I said pretending to get offended. y/n just laughed, she knows me too well.

"So, what artifact did senpai talked about again?" Nobara said. taking a sip from her strawberry milkshake

"A cursed necklace" Megumi said.

At the forest

3rd person's pov:

It was late. The plan was to start early and by the time it was dark, they were supposed to be in tent. But unfortunately, Nobara and Megumi were late. Y/n was really annoyed at this point, roaming around in a forest looking for a supposedly cursed object didn't made sense to her. But they had to obey thier seniors if they wanted to stay in the club. Y/n didn't believe in those things but she felt uneasy from the moment they stepped in that forest. It was like a heavy ominous air was around them, she didn't understand why she was feeling that way but it wasn't a good feeling, she couldn tell. She had expressed her worry to her boyfriend but he dismissed as her being paranoid.

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