The only thing I crave is you (Yandere L x reader)

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                                                                                    .(Yandere L x reader)

The sound of the alarm clock broke my sleep. God, how much I hate this alarm tone, but no matter how many times I ask L to replace it with a digital clock that will ring a soft tone, he always declines it. I opened my eyes in annoyance, I hate how the sun rays falls on my eye right after waking up. While I prepared myself for the assault, it never came. Instead I could feel a shadow looming over my sleeping body. I quickly looked up to see L looming over me, he was sitting in a chair beside my bed with both his legs up and was looking at me by hunching over my head. His long black locks of hair falling over my face, his breath on my lips, making me tingle. As if to my natural reflex, my hand lifted in the air and zoomed towards his face. He was quick to retreat and grab my wrist and twist it slightly.

"It hurts, let go!" I squeaked.

"As weak as you are, you should be focusing on you defense instead of trying to attack" he said nonchalantly.

After that he let go of my hand but his gaze fixated upon me. I was offended by him calling me weak, even though it was the truth, he didn't need to say it like that to my face. I pouted as if I was protesting against his statement, but silently.

"So, you're gonna defend yourself from the intruder by pouting? It's a good strategy but also quite risky to try on strangers, as you don't know their nature or if they are into idiot type girls like yourself-"

Before he could finish that sentence a pillow went flying straight to his face, he was surprised to say the least. His big round eyes with terrible dark circles under them, looked right into me. "You know, no one has ever tried to do that before"

"Then get used to it! And what were you saying about my looks? For your information, I'm really pretty. Ok? If I could go outside, I'm sure I could be a model or an actress if I wanted. And boys would drool over me" I said proudly.

Maybe it was imagination, but I saw him visibly flinch. His eyes turned darker, if that's even possible. I've never seen darker eyes than him on anyone, well maybe I have but there is no way to find out. After that accident two years ago, I lost my memories. At first I remembered fragments of it but it caused me major headaches. Then L suggested that I don't try to remember them, when I asked him why, he simply said ' Sometimes, a memory card starts to malfunction when a bad memory is inserted to it, and then the only way to revive it is to format it, wipe all the memory clean, just like that you don't need the bad mamories'

Which was weird that he compared me to a memory card, but that just how he talks anyway. I've noticed that he doesn't like me talking about the outside world along with my memories.

"Well it's just a thought, I don't want to go outside. I know it's dangerous"

This seemed to calm him a bit. It wasn't a lie though, there were a lot of people who wanted to hurt me, that made me wonder what kind of life did I lead to have to piss off so many dangerous people like them? Was I a gangster or something? Well that would be ironic, seeing that I'm currently living with the world's number one detective, L. Lawliet. He was the one who saved my life back then, and I have been working as his full time assistant since then. As to answer my question, L never tells me why they want to kill me, and that it's for good that I don't know. And honestly, I would like to trust him on that.

"You know, zoning out in mid conversation is also a sign of being stupid"

"S-Shut up! I was thinking what should I have for breakfast"

"About that, we ran out of groceries, Matsuda was supposed to bring them but he won't be able to stop by until lunch"

"What? But I'm hungry!" I cried out. Then I saw L holding out his hand, there were some candies and packaged sweets on a plastic bag. I looked at him confused.

Intensity (yandere anime/ fictonal characters x reader one shots) Where stories live. Discover now