Chapter [2] Nini & Rosie

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Jennie's POV:

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Jennie's POV:

"Chaeyoungaaahh! Hurry up I'm hungry!" I sigh heavily, lying back on the sofa in our living room.

"Unnie stop whining I'm here I'm here!" Chaeyoung responded, quickly rushing out of her and Lisa's shared room. She wore a short black dress with white trainers, her blonde hair reaching past her shoulders.

I smiled at her with my signature gummy grin.

Chaeyoung looked puzzled. "Why are you smiling...?" She began to move her hands towards her face, shielding the blush that began to form on her cheeks. Cute.

I got up from the sofa and slowly glided towards her. "Nothing hubby, you're just beautiful." I smiled, my hands creeping around her waist to welcome her into a warm embrace.

Chaeyoung blushed more, her head resting on my neck as she hugged me back.

"Stopppp I'm embarrassed..."

I laughed. "Okay I'm sorry hubby." I kiss the tip of her nose as I guide us outside of our apartment.


Chaeyoung's POV:

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask as Jennie and I link hands walking down a sidewalk.

Jennie slows down for a moment. "Mmmmm...I was thinking maybe Subway?" She turns her head to me and smiles. Her smile is so cute!

I blush seeing her beautiful face.

"U-Uh yeah okay!" I struggle to say. God what is she doing to me?!

Jennie's gummy smile sneakily turns into a smug grin.

"Are you blushing hubby?~"

My eyes widen. My hand creeping towards my face to cover the permanent pink shade on my cheeks.

"Yah! Wifey stop it I don't want anyone seeing us!" I say, my head rotating at light speed as I cautiously look around for fans or reporters.

Jennie moves towards me, grabbing my cheeks and squishing them gently.

"Rosie stop panicking, it's okay. Nobody is here, nobody is going to know, okay? Just, relax." She let's go of my face and starts stroking my hair slowly, a small smile forming on her face.

I smile back at her, letting out a loud sigh.

"I'm sorry nini...I just...I don't want us to have to be apart because our company doesn't allow it...I can't imagine my future without you, whether I'm famous or not." I croak quietly, tears beginning to fill my eyes at the thought of continuing as 'BLACKPINK' without my wifey. Well...without her as my girlfriend at least.

Jennie wipes my tears with her sleeve. Taking my hand again and turning back to our shared apartment with Jisoo and Lisa.

"W-Wifey..?" I sniffle. "I thought you wanted foo-"

She cuts me off with a quick peck on my lips. Shocked, I remain silent.

"Hubby, nobody suspects us. Even if we were caught which is very unlikely, I wouldn't trade you for the world. I'm never going to leave you, Rosie." She shifts towards me again, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

I smile at her through tears, whispering a quiet 'okay' as we go back to our apartment.


Hopefully I'll be able to update later tonight or tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed hubby and wifey 🐿🐻

P.S - This book WILL include some inappropriate context at some point in the chapters, not soon! But eventually there will be, so just a heads up! 💗💗

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