Chapter [5] Double Date

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Chaeyoung's POV:

After I finished changing me and the rest of my members left to proceed with our "double date."

In my opinion the suggestion was random, but I don't mind any extra time I get to spend with my three favourite females. Plus I could never say no to Jennie.

"Sooooo where are we going??" Lisa chirped, breaking the calming silence as we walked down the street with masks on.

Jennie hummed as her pace started to quicken for some unknown reason. "I'm not sure to be honest."

Jisoo sighed. "So you suggested we go on a double date, yet have no idea where to take us all."

Jennie nodded innocently, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"I could be at home playing Mario Kart right now..." Jisoo frowned as she most likely began reminiscing about being back on her Nintendo.

"Don't be like that unnieee!! I'm sure my wifey will think of something." I reassured her, giving all three of them a bright smile.

Jennie smiled back at me, a pink tint visible on her cheeks. "Thank you Rosie."

Lisa made a gipping noise. "You're so sickeningly cute, god if one of you were male I'm sure you'd be Korea's hottest couple."

"You mean Korea's cutest couple." Jisoo corrected her.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever unnie." She said as she stopped.

Myself, Jisoo and Jennie all looking at her with puzzled looks on our faces.

"Why'd you stop Limario?" Jisoo asked.

"Hey why don't we eat here!" Lisa suggested, pointing at a small cafe titled 'Kitty Kage'. Why am I not surprised?

Jennie sighed heavily. "Really Lili?" Beginning to give her the signature 'Bitch Resting Face'.

I slithered my hands sneakily around her waist, catching her by surprise. "Don't be like that Nini~" I whispered in her ear. Her body beginning to tense.

"Yah! Chaeyoung-ah let the poor girl go!" Jisoo nagged, now witnessing my hand placement.

I lifted my hands in surrender, a smug grin filling my face that only Jennie seemed to witness. The pink tint on her cheeks now becoming more visible.

She glared at me, now mouthing the words 'I'll get you back' towards me before Lisa excitedly began dragging us all inside the cafe.


We're now all sat at a table, one more in the corner so that hopefully we aren't recognised.

Lisa's eyes scanning the cafe in excitement, her face glowing like a child.

Jennie groaned. "I can't believe you brought us here..." Her head now dropping on the table.

I giggle at her actions, Jisoo also holding in a laugh.

"You're so meannnn!" Lisa frowned as Jennie starting groaning more.

"Aishhh all of you be quiet, there's a waiter coming our way." Jisoo commanded, as the fairly young boy made his way towards us.

The waiter smiled. "Hello and welcome to Kitty Kage, or the Cat Cafe as most people say. What would you like to order today?" The boy asked, his notepad ready for writing.

"Hmmmm" Jisoo hummed as she picked up the menu. Her eyes shifting up and down. "Ah, could I have a chicken sandwich please, with iced lemon tea?" She smiled.

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