Thirty Minutes Later

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"When is your flight?" Gaon asked, hands clasped around the warm cup of coffee on the table between them, in the back corner of the cafe.

"In eleven hours."

"Right." Gaon took a sip of the coffee.

"I was just passing through."

"If you came back to see me, Chief, you don't have to make excuses."

Yohan's head tilted as he struggled not smile. But eventually the smile broke through.

"I'm not your chief anymore."

"You'll always be my chief," Gaon said, holding Yohan's stare, unwavering, unblinking.

Yohan pursed his lips, attempting to curb his smile again, and failing miserably.

"Who knew you were so sappy, Gaon?"

"You're the one who travelled all the way back here for a cup of coffee."

"Aish," Yohan said, running his hands through his hair. "I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye."

"Why did you?"

Yohan shrugged, tapping his fingers on the table.

"No, Chief. I'm really asking."

Yohan stopped tapping his finger.

"I had to go."

"I understand that. Why didn't you tell me? You just kept me in the dark till the end."

"If I had told you, would you have let me go?"

No , Gaon thought. He'd have begged Yohan to stay. Or begged Yohan to take him, too. He wasn't ashamed of admitting it. But he was worried about what Yohan might do now, if Gaon answered honestly. Because Yohan had to go with Elijah and Gaon had to stay to keep an eye on flippy leaders. It really wasn't the time.

Not that Gaon thought Yohan would abandon Elijah in Switzerland. No. Call it hubris or wishful thinking, but there was a possibility that Yohan's stay might get longer if Gaon answered honestly. The last thing Gaon wanted, was to think about the fact that Elijah was far away. All alone.

"I would have let you go."

Yohan frowned.

"No, you wouldn't."

"Elijah needed the treatment and your death was instrumental in carving public perception. I understand that."

Yohan leaned on the table, shifting his hands closer till his knuckles brushed against Gaon's.

"Still doesn't mean you would have let me go."

Gaon hooked his index finger in Yohan's.

"You say that like I can make you do anything."

"Can't you?"

Well, that was just a matter of events. Because there were times Yohan caved to Gaon's whim like a leaf in the wind. And there other times he stood firm, pushing back like Gaon was merely a thought. Nothing but an idea.

"Eleven hours?" Gaon asked.

"Yes, why?"

Gaon stood, picking up his jacket.

"Do you want to spend all that time in a cafe drinking shitty coffee? Or do you want to come with me?"

He held out his hand. Without hesitating, Yohan grasped the hand and stood.

"What did you have in mind?"

"How about I surprise you?"

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