Not Even a Week

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Thanking God for the weather, Yohan pulled his scarf around his neck, adjusting the mask over his face, along with the face cap. He hated coming back without a legit reason to look like an Eskimo, but this was alright. In the grand scheme of mega fuck-ups, this little joy was very welcome. Especially since Yohan was pretty sure he was being watched.

He didn't have any proof. He'd taken to winding his way home and using different routes. He hid his digital footprint and was paranoid about each and every interaction. He hadn't actually seen anyone following him, but the mere thought of Sunah was enough to keep him on edge.

Yohan moved out of the apartment in Switzerland and set up more security. Elijah wasn't a child anymore so she was aware that Sunah was alive and able to slip into their home unannounced. He'd be a fool to keep her in the dark. Especially since he had to leave her for a few days. He'd give Gaon a choice before but this wasn't the same anymore. Yohan didn't just need him to come back because they were both lonely. He needed Gaon where he could see him all the time and know that he was alive.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Ko said to Yohan, as Yohan swiped through the tablet that showed the live feeds from cameras set up all over Gaon's street and the corridors of his office. "No one is following him except obsessive fans and paparazzi. He dates, once in a while and plays Tennis every other Saturday. Every weekend, he volunteers at Oh Jin Joo's shelter. If what you're saying is true-"

"I saw her with my own eyes."

"The only explanation is that she may have been honest about leaving you alone."

Yohan slammed the tablet into the car seat. The fact that they couldn't see the danger didn't mean it wasn't there.

"Keep searching," Yohan said, as he opened the door. "I'm sure there's something."

Bracing himself for the hard conversation he was about to have, Yohan pulled up the flaps of his coat and climbed up the stairs into the fancy, glass-doored apartment building. From the uniformed staff to the pristine condition of the building and its location in Seoul, Yohan often wondered where Gaon was getting the money to afford such a place.

A quick ride up the elevator and onto Gaon's floor, Yohan rang the bell before he typed in the password and entered.

"Chief?" Gaon asked in surprise, peeping down from the bannisters on the upper floor of the apartment. When his head disappeared, Yohan heard quick steps as Gaon hurried down to meet him. "You were just here last week."

Gaon engulfed him in sharp, deep hug, holding on as if they hadn't seen each other in years. When he let go, he gave Yohan a small bow, and began helping him take off his coat.

"We have something to discuss."

"We couldn't have had this discussion over the phone?" he asked, a tiny, mocking smile on his face.


Finally taking in Yohan's sobriety, Gaon's face fell into a frown.

"What is it?"

He led Yohan up the stairs to his garden on the veranda where he'd been tending to his plants before Yohan showed up. As they got there, Gaon reduced the volume of the TV where daytime news was on.

"I know we already talked about this, but you have to come back with me."

"Come back where?" He picked up his tiny sheers, as he resumed his work.

"To Switzerland."

"Is there a problem with Elijah?"


"If you want me to uproot my life and follow you, you have to tell me why."

"What life?" Yohan asked, spreading his hands and turning around in place. "There's nothing here."

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