She an exception:Yandere!Bullies x Female Reader x Yandere!Horuda (Part 1)

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𝚂𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜 𝚋𝚝𝚠!
𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 ⚠

You're one of the most popular girls in Akademi.

You don't know why though, you rarely spoke to many people. You're Geiju Tsukas twin so it's not really a surprise.

It's not that you don't want or like to talk, but when you try to talk to someone, you don't know a lot about, for a long time it feels like someones strangling you. You enjoy helping others, normally you help someone if you're bored or have nothing else to do.

You're reputation is 92.


"Heyy Museme! Need any help?" I saw Museme looking pretty angry, so I thought needed something

She smiled when she saw me.

"Errrrr... Nahhhh. Oh waittt. I do. Can you likeee take a pic of that little freak called uhhh... Horuda I think. Girl..likeeee if you did, I would be your best friend forever~!" She said

"Oh. I.. Uh.. Alright I guess.." Poor Horuda, she never did anything to hurt Museme.

I went to the rooftop and took a picture of Horuda, but then the charm on my phone fell off (you can decide what the charm is) and slid near Horuda because the floor was wet from the rain we had a few hours ago.

Horuda picked it up and said to me ".. Is this yours?"

"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" I was about to take it from her, but then...


They kicked me to the ground, my leg got bruised

"HUH?" I said, I looked behind me. It was Sakyu Basu.

"What.. " I was so confused

"I know you gossiped to Museme about me! That's why my reputation is so crap now! Just because of that blonde whore and her useless little friend!" She said

"What!? I don't even gossip!"

She was about to punch me, then Horuda and Kokoro pushed her back, Museme, Kashiko and Hana helped me get up. My leg was a little bruised.

"Come on, let's go to the infirmary." Hoshiko said while looking at her blog

"A-alright..?" I was so, SO confused! Why are the bullies helping me?

(At the infirmary - Y/N and Hoshiko)

"Hello, Y/N and Hoshiko. Is something wrong?" The nurse, Nasu Kankoshi, asked.

"Yeah. My friend was kicked and her leg got bruised. Look." Hoshiko pointed to my leg

"Oh! I'll of course help you Y/N. And Hoshiko..." The nurse stopped deep in thought

"..Who kicked her?" She finally said after a little while

"Umm..I think it was that Sakyu..or Inkyu Basu what ever her name is. She had purple hair, idk which one though, so ya." Hoshiko said, pretending not to care

"Please inform the guidance counselor about this incident while I help your friend." The nurse said

"Sure! I mean, uh..whateverrrr!" Hoshiko said and ran to the guidance counselor.

(After the nurse helps Y/N and Hoshiko tells the guidance counselor about what happened, Sakyu Basu is called into the guidance counselors office..)

"It should be obvious why you're here. You harmed a student for no reason, according to witnesses. Care to explain?" The guidance counselor said strictly.

"I..never hurt anyone!They gossiped about me! Please! You have to believe me!" Sakyu pleaded

"You think I'm stupid enough to believe that!? Kokoro, a witness, showed me a picture. That's enough evidence, but on top of that, you have stolen something of the student you harmed. Want to give a truthful explanation this time? Or would you like to be expelled?"

"Huh? Stole what? I never stole anything! This time I promise! I DID hurt someone, but I never stole ANYTHING!" Sakyu was confused, since she didn't recall stealing anything.

"Give me your bag. According to Horuda, you stole a phone charm from Y/N."


Sakyu gives her bag, and the guidance counselor looks in it and finds the phone charm.

She was framed.

But by who?

"THAT'S IT! Since you CLEARLY don't take me or this school seriously, I'm expelling you! Get out of my office, NOW!"


Sakyu was thrown out of the school by the teachers.

No one heard from her again.

Not even her own sister, Inkyu Basu.

It is unknown what happened after that, but some say it was something to do with the rumors of her being a succubus.

Well, that's just a silly rumor.
Or is it?

(One day later, at Akademi)

"So, yeah. I killed that bitch Sakyu-"

"Hey Horuda!" I said and gave a friendly smile


"Oh!'re on a phone call. Oh, I wasn't eavesdropping! I promise!"
I said, what if she thinks I was listening to her!?

"Also, did you say something about killing someone? Are you ok? Is someone trying to kill you!? Is it Sakyu!?" I panicked, Horuda doesn't deserve to be hurt!

"I..uh..yeah! But it happened before she got um, expelled.." She said shyly.

"Oh my gosh! I hope you're ok, if you're not, let me know, I'll help you. Anyways, I gotta go. See you, Horuda." I smiled and walked away.

Horuda P.O.V

"Phew..that was so fucking close" I muttered

"Anyways, carry on." I said, continuing my phone call.

"So, you killed her?" Museme said

"Yeah.." I replied.

"I'm glad. She tried to hurt Y/N, she deserves all the pain. Anywaysssss, I gotta go. Bye."

"Mhm..bye.." I said.

I should go to see what Y/N is doing..

I went to Y/N's classroom and looked through her bag, I found a pencil she touched..I'll take it.

I thought of a was perfect. It means I could stay with Y/N forever..

I texted Museme:
"Hey. I have a plan, so we can stay with Y/N forever."

"Really??? Then likeee hurryyy up and tell meeee!"

"Yeah, she trusts us. So, we can kidnap her really easily..and I know how to, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Girl.. You're INSANEEE! I LOVE it. But can you do it? I'm so fucking tireddddd.."

"Um, yeah. Sure. I'll do it today. Tell the others about our plan. "

"Yeah, yeah, whateverrrr. Just hurryyyy! Also, could u get me some cigarettes???"



I put my phone away and went to the nurses office. When the nurse walked away, I quickly grabbed the syringe and put it in my bag.  My biology is good, so I don't need to worry about that.

I went to Museme and told her that I would trick Y/N.

She liked the plan, now all I have to do is put it into action.

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