3, 2, 1

4 0 0

A speaker sounded a woman's voice through the entire ship 

"Liftoff granted, beginning 60 second countdown." The numbers began to roll down. 

"59, 58, 57..."

A rumbling came from the bottom of the ship. All of the second-guessing was over now, there was no turning back. Bright light enveloped the crew, the craft's jets blew out blazing purples and blues. Much to the rowdy crowd's enjoyment.

"32,  31, 30..."

The Captain gripped his chair white-knuckled, his standard black fingerless gloves revealed the stressed tan skin underneath. The rest were just as apprehensive. Even the most sanguine of them all, Bran, had her vivid yellow eyes were open wide behind her solar ray deflecting glareshades.

"10, 9, 8..."

Sergeant Rad licked her red painted lips, and Toby closed his eyes. All solar engines set to full blast.

"5, 4, 3..."

Not one dared to say anything. The ship shook violently but the passengers inside were stabilized on the shocks installed into their flight cabin.

"2, 1..."

Captain Terram mouthed the words he had always dreamed of hearing before.

"Blast off."

On cue, the engines roared and mumbled with a deafening shrill sound the crew could hardly hear with their protective headphones. He and his team were propelled hundreds of miles into the air, the Captain could feel the weight of the lift off pushing his core. Spatium had gone these speeds before while training. He imagined the crowd going wild with satisfaction as soon as they left. This moment would go down in history, and it would replace the documents lost roughly 400 years ago of Neil Armstrong's Space debut. Inside, he crew waited with nervous anticipation. 

After running through the necessary tests, Spatium clicked himself into the middle of the five seats that were set up in a row inside the ship's cabin.

"Bran, give the signal." he nodded and looked ahead to the window in front of him and put his glareshades on. 

"Aye, Aye captain." Bran picked up her long-distance radiocator "This is the Nkytelios I requesting liftoff."

The ship left the blueish glow of Earth's completely unpolluted atmosphere, technology had long evolved much since the need for fossil fuels. The crew cheered and howled. In the corner of Spatium's eye he saw Sergeant Rad entered the pin code to activate the artificial gravity cavity. Some of the boys down at the station jokingly called it the "grav-cav". It really was a useful tool. She unbuckled herself and and stepped in front of her shipmates. She was wearing the same standard white tanktop and baggy orange pants as everyone else, the only wardrobe differences of the crew was the color of their AoOD required jackets. Spatium had an olive green one for his captainship, Sarge had a black one for her rank, Bran had a gray one signifying she was a interstellar communications expert, and HaieDean and Toby both bore royal blue on account that they were the brains of the operation. Sarge placed her perfectly manicured nails on her hips.

"Well men, I believe that was an utter success."Haiedean chimed in after running a couple of fingers to straighten out his now unkempt forest-green dyed hair. "We'll have to initiate the cryostasis soon." He too unbuckled and walked to an indent in the wall containing a hook, he tugged on it and a tray of holoputers came sliding out on a rack. 

"I'm positive you've all already been briefed on it, but I'll go over it again just so there's no unnecessary confusion or panic." He selected one and sat back down in his chair. 

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