Spray-Can Panic

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Rex: "Haaa! Time for the next Guest. Please bring the Fate Of Spray-Can my assistant."

Woz: "........"

Spray-can fate: "i don't think he likes me"

Rex: "He's just shy. Now then, allow me to explain the Fate you have chosen... Woz, if you would."

Woz was silent as he walked up to the desk, opening a draw and pulling out several items. Woz then pulled out a mass of different hightech Spray-Cans... but none of those were given to the Demon King... until he pulled out the very last item.

Rex: "Ah! There we go. And here you go. Your new Fate."

Rex said, handing you an odd new item...

Rex said, handing you an odd new item

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Spray-can fate: "..... out of all of the cool and badass spray cans I get the one that's rusted and will probably give me tetanus?"

Woz: "Do not insult the master's Gift... This item is a powerful fate unlike anyother... As you grw stronger, it will only become more and more powerful."

Rex: "The Fate of the Spray-Can is an odd one I will say that much. It is less of a Battling Fate and more of a Creative. The world is your Canvas and that Can allows you to change it at will. To Alter, create or complete erase objects that you need inorder to traverse the world, you can even use it to create temporary weapons or items."

Rex said as he opened his hand, revealing 5 Hearts that infused themselves with the Rusted Can.

Rex: "This Fate's Only Limit Is Your Own Mind... that and your Luck. Try not to let it get more Damaged."

Woz: "... Do you have any questions about your Avatar...?"

Spray-can fate: "no I think I'm good"

Woz: "Then visiting hours are over. please leave the library at once."


The sound of odd somber music, filled with somber lyrics quickly filled your ears... it was odd... you felt the coldness of what felt like a stone floor on your back...

The camera Opening eyes once again, you quickly found yourself in a new... yet oddly familiar place...

A Library... one filled with all sorts of books... it was seemingly endless with an uncountable mass of books all filling the billions of bookshelves...

"Huh? What the hell?"

The camera moves out, revealing the form of the character who was now in the library

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