New Chosen Heroes

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Sunlight shone through the curtains of a window and into the room of a young girl. Her curly caramel brown hair, just a few shades lighter than her dark skin, had tangled during her restless sleep. She groaned and pulled her comforter over her face as the sun beamed directly on it. Curse the seasons changing. Longer days but still cold as hell.


The girl soon sighed and rose slowly, blindly looking for the alarm. Pressing the off button, she looked at the digital numbers for the time.



OH. She was gonna be late! Quickly jumping out of bed, the girl rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She splashed her face with some cold water to wake her up faster. Today was a big day, after all (just right beside moving day that was a week ago)! She ran back to her room and quickly got out her outfit and packed bag.

It was a simple outfit, nothing much. Just a mint green sweater with a light blue hoodie over it. She wore comfortable black pants with actual pockets. They looked like jeans but they were more flexible and could keep legs warm. Brown hiking boots covered up her mixed-matched socks. She brushed her hair in record time before packing up the hairbrush and slipping the straps over her shoulders.

"Anzu! Just in time! Here, I made us some omurice before you set out." Her mother stood in the kitchen serving up some plates. Her mother's hair was black and long, skin the same shade as the girl. It was tied into a ponytail and swept over her magenta cladded shoulder. Her soft grey eyes looked into her daughter's brown ones.

"Thanks mom!" the girl, Anzu, exclaimed before starting to dig in. Usually they'd have a bigger meal but since the two of them tend to wake up late, they settled with just some omurice. "Oh yeah! Does dad have an update for us?"

"Sweetie, please swallow before you speak and yes, he does have some news. He'll be able to work online in a few weeks."

"So that means he'll be able to come live with us?!"

"Yes, sweetie. Now, finish your meal and get going!" Anzu practically inhaled the rest of her meal before putting her plate and fork in the sink and running off towards the front door. "Bye mom! I'll call you when I get to the Pokemon Center!"

"Bye dear!"

Anzu locked the front door once she got out and pocketed her keys. The smile on her face fell into a neutral line. A bad habit she picked up when living on the border of Arceto and Kanto. Better safe than sorry.

Jadeite Village. A small village with few people. The population is mostly composed of either very young children or adults. There's only one other person Anzu's age. Speaking of which, there he comes.

"Hey! You're Anzu, right?" A young boy, just three inches taller than Anzu ran up to her. He had black hair but the tips were dyed a nice blue color. His hair was wavy and sort of long, getting longer the closer it was to his neck. Nothing like Anzu's shoulder length hair. He had a black turtleneck on with a red sweater over it. His golden eyes sparkled in excitement. His skin had a nice tan to it which wasn't surprising since many people spent their days out farming.

Slowly, Anzu nodded. "Nice! I'm Arakan! You're also going to Professor Sakura's lab, right?" Once again, she nodded. Arakan didn't seem to mind. "That's great! C'mon, I know the way to her lab!"

Arakan didn't grab Anzu's hand which she was glad about, only motioning for her to follow him. His satchel swayed as he walked down the little path the village had near the edge of the forest. It looked like every other house with its slanted roof and wooden walls. Arakan knocked on the door and stood beside Anzu. He tapped his foot nervously at a constant tempo.

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