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Don't care who is older and who produce what bare with my for a moment imagine the tesla coil by Cone shaped in 1 direction and the VanDeGraph by in the other direction as well in Cone's shape it nearly would resemble like tornado ore vortex shaped if they touch on each end with ich other .

Just imagine please water pipes made like con shape 2x and ich touching the lover end who is reduced in width.

Now please imagine you put pipes in random places on the Tesla ore van DeGroff, and you put simply other pipes differences like width length differences and you actually can accelerate Mather and stop it at will.

By just adding horizontal pipe formation to vertical.

So that would mostly by called variable pump as in whatever ore electro magnetic pump .

So indeed it's so easy.

Imagine supposedly I don't remember how they call it magnetite rock formation now imagine please that vortex thingy made of 2 opposing cone shapes just add on random places copper extensions and add to that copper random shape pipes metal pipe and now add wires to that contraption in cent rain wire configuration.

Imagine please small magnets peaces in water and that pump vortex is driven by gravity.

Well, here you have water battery or generator or transformer or capacitor.

Just by flowing fluids mixtures in that pipe's it does not Mather really if you swap wires to flow cores or magnets still doing the same thing supposedly but different methods of extraction is used .

So if you want to make that water flow just change polarity angel and make that water "lift" “lift down”"hold in don't do anything" that's DC.

AC is “speed up” “stop going” “speed down”.

So really it's easy like that to understand.

Mathematical equations are only true if you represent it like what you “see 👀” is happening .

And apparently this simplicity (+ – x /) is used.

So, no, those science law's do not comply in cent rain “order” if you change “variables”.

Again, call my crazy but some video show Joe explaining that vortex thingy phenomena to some men.

But for really I cannot remember really I think it had 4 cons shaped in my language that's exactly how it's designed similar to (gravity fead 4 stage supercharger pumps who is variable).

So, this simplicity way of teaching is odd I admit, but at least now I can understand what is happening with those Joe Cells.

Even thought they are not really pipe formation, the body is the pipe and the energy is now in plates configuration.

But it is the same principle.

However looking at men/women dc/ac motors.

They nearly resemble ich other but differences in potential (strength, stamina,height, width,weight, imunity to disease etc.) they are mostly and only different by gender.

So that's where this silly Orgone theory comes from Wihaim Reich.

Well, he was right in some strange manner.

Explaining science like sex genders I suppose.

Forgive my bade grammar again ore If I pronounced wrong some name's ore word's.

So, most easy way to understand science is: bacteria kill or not kill, grow or not grow,mathet elements exist and don't exist, brake in broke down do nothing, magnetism is the environment the gravity who propels this world it's energy per unit of time.

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