Whats this..

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The "trailer"..

"What would you give for me"
"The world. And the sorry bastards head on a pike who thought it was a good idea to take it from you." ~

She was an angel craving chaos He was a demon seeking peace.

"..Your hands are scarred with murder."
"All for you Mi amore, your no where near sweet innocence." ~

She stumbled in his world tipped on rose water, he was already a part of hers before she knew it.

"Daddy's money can't buy you balls."

A possible immortal man? Running a mafia?..How convent.

"You couldn't killed me if you tried princess."

A tall handsome man catching her and not letting go.

"I guess I'm willing to try and die for you."
"Your sick. You can't even die if you tried."
"..and I will infect you Mi amore." ~

She's his light.

"You don't know the dark part of this work."

And he's her darkness.

"And I'll find it on your dick?."
"Eventually you'll find it more in your life im giving you to stay with me, in my heart that you've carve out of me and forcefully took into your own hands, I didn't give that to you. You took it when I turned my head and breathed the scent of your perfume, sprayed all over that tight little dress you were wearing that day."
"I didn't ask you to love me."
".. and yet your not asking me to leave."

...coming soon, "Ro'meaven's bed sheets" a mafia love story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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