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setting is confusing here, but its the house, i didnt even mention because im an idiot.. but whatever, some of us joked a bit.


Australia scratched his head while being in the sun, clouds storming around the sun could be seen just from afar. He hated this part of the day because when it rained, that meant the grass would be all soggy during the morning. Or it could still be raining. He checked the time for it to be 6:51 and looked back at the sky. He thought it would be bad to see what the idiots were doing. He could go for a cup of coffee by now.

Canada woke up out of his sleep with a loud ass beeping noise, he looked over to see it was his phone. 'What time is it?' he thought. He got up and stretched (y'know that stretch that possesses your entire body for like 3 seconds) and put on some clothes, the casual wear, plaid button up shirt and jorts—no...jeans. He then went looking for one of his siblings to bother. (it's 7 in the morning bro). He looked outside the window to see NZ. "What are you doing out here?"

NZ was trying to watch the view outside to get some fresh air from the window. "Oh hello Canada."

"Why are you standing outside this early in the morning? Not birdwatching I hope," Canada asked.

Yeah, not birdwatching. 'I am.' New Zealand thought to himself.

Iceland shuffled to the group of people crowded together. "What's up my gangsters?" He snapped his fingers and pointed finger guns at Canada. "Eh? Eh?"

Canada looked over at Iceland with the most disturbed face, it kind of looked like he was cringing, but you wouldn't be able to tell. "That was so corny." Australia did the same to Iceland with the finger guns. Iceland frowned, but shrugged it off. "Yeah- well, uh- maple syrup! Yeah, got him good..". Iceland still kept the frown on his face towards Canada. He gave the happiest smile towards Australia. Australia looked around, at Iceland, the ground then the fence. "Its starting to pour now." he frowned while looking out the window.

Canada stared at Iceland for a moment, thinking whether he was worthy to be put on a hitlist, but decided to leave that for another day. He then turned to his brother. "Goodmorning, Australia! Yeah, rain sucks. But, it's only temporary."

"I'm gonna go to the kitchen. I'm hungry." Australia then walked off to the kitchen to make something to eat. With the things they had though, it was hard. "Think that's bad? I got named Iceland even though I've got good weather. Fuckin stupid Vikings." He unstrapped his pocket knife and chucked it at the closest wall to him in a small rage. "Damn, you and Greenland were done dirty, huh?" Canada asked. Iceland nodded furiously while pulling the knife out of the wall. "YES! They hardly have a population, or green for crying out loud! I have the better nature, god damn it!" He crossed his arms with a pouty expression. New Zealand pulled out a bird from his pocket that looked like a kiwi. "Look." Iceland gave a confused expression to New Zealand. "One, how long has that been in your pocket for? And two, that is fucking adorable."

"Aww, that's really neat NZ."

"Since this morning, would you like to hold it?"

"Hell yes." Iceland ran over to New Zealand and grabbed the bird gently, putting it onto his hat. "Where can I find one of these, you have 3.7 seconds to answer."

"I have a room for them."

"Correction, you had a room for them. Well, you still do. But by exactly 11:54 and a half P.M I will be breaking in and taking 4 of them. That is not a threat, but a promise." Iceland gave a quick smirk at NZ and put his thumb up before setting the bird back to him.

Right when Australia opened the cabinet, he was greeted with a sudden grab to the throat. Him flailing in the air while being put up. Australia panicked but didn't scream or cry for help. Instead grabbed the nearest knife and stabbed the man in the eyepatch.


lurking around but its a 30 year old roleplauWhere stories live. Discover now