Chapter Nineteen

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As the games close and the night comes around,

Happiness is still able to be found;

With new friends and a merry song,

What could go wrong?


"Well, it's getting late; I should probably get going," Sam announced standing up off the couch. Joshua obediently followed his father.

It must have been hard for him; Joshua had always been the leader who was calm and collected. Now he fell to nothing more than a normal that would be reprimanded among the town for his affiliation with his father and my family.

"Make sure to come back tomorrow! I'm baking, and you know how you love my lemon meringue pie," my mother tempted as she walked the two men to the door.

"Marie, you will send me to an early grave with all that sugar you put into my blood," Sam shook his head. Mother just laughed before leaning in to hug Sam, and he kissed her cheek. She did the same for Joshua who mimicked his father's actions once again.

"God knows you can't cook," Mother reminded Sam. "How else will you survive?"

"Your words hold honesty, yet my doctor says I could lose a few," Sam chuckled, patting his slightly bulging stomach. My mother laughed lightly, opening the door for Sam and Joshua.

"It was lovely having you two over; please, come back tomorrow," she pressed on, making Joshua take her hand in his.

"We will be back tomorrow, after the shop closes; you have my word." With those final words, Joshua and Sam walked out the door and down the steps back home.

"Well, that was fun," William smiled as Mother came back into the living room.

"It certainly was, but it is getting late," I noted looking over my shoulder and out the window.

The night had begun to creep upon the sky, the heavens above sleepily shutting their eyes as the serenity of the dark took over the vibrant laughter of the past hours of light that spread its smile across the endless universe. When the stars would shine to remind the darkness of its good nature, I knew it would be time to prepare for bed.

"Yes," Harry agreed, checking his watch on his wrist, "and I still have to find an inn to stay at for the night."

"Don't be silly! You can stay here; anyone who can recognize me from a slew of insults is worthy of being a proper visitor." Though I never thought I'd hear my father say the words, my heart fluttered for a split second over the offer.

Harry bit his lip while he pondered the decision; after a minute, he shook his head.

"No, it's okay, sir. I don't want to inconvenience you on such a short notice."

"Are you sure? Because the nearest inn is close to the market, and it's a bit of a ways from here if you ever needed to come back in the night in a hurry," Father informed him.

I didn't realize it then, but the innuendo was blatant in my father's words as he suggested Harry might try to sneak back after everyone had gone to bed.

"I'm sure; there would be no reason to come back unless of a dire emergency, and I would make it clear of my presence," Harry replied coolly, without missing a single beat in his words.

"It is your decision. . ." Father paused for a second

Harry cleared his throat and stood up. "It has been a pleasant day, though I must bid a dear goodbye for the night." He looked to me as I remained perplexed at the odd exchange between him and my father.

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