Chapter Six

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Alone and locked inside her room,

Adeline sits thinking of doom;

Yet Harry is also not content,

As he regrets the words he sent. . .


In the Living Room

"Damn it, Cobbs!" Harry shouted, picking up a vase. He slammed in on the ground before facing the plump man visibly shaking in the corner on the room. "Why is she being so difficult?!"

"S-sir, I believe you must be a bit kinder to her...she's just  been told she can never see her family again. Some people like their family, and Miss Adeline might miss hers," Cobbs replied thoughtfully and honestly. As usual, Harry did not take it lightly.

"Are you implying I am making her unhappy?" Harry practically roared facing Cobbs. Cobbs started to shake more, shrinking lower into his spot.

"N-no sir, I just think that maybe, since it is her first day, let her become acquainted to the castle on her own terms...but keep an eye on her, is all," Cobbs tried to cover up, but it was no use. 

Harry started towards him in anger, but Lum stepped in, putting his hands on Harry's chest to stop him.

"Ah, sir, think about what you are doing," Lum warned him. Harry always listened to Lum more. "Yes, she is unhappy, and yes, you are to blame, but you restricted a privilege of something very personal to her." 

"She cannot see her family. That is final!" Harry yelled. "And get your hands off me!"

"Sir, I cannot do that. You seem to not be in the right state of mind to make your own choices." Lum then held Harry back, in a hug sort of fashion. 

"Lum, I swear, if you don't let go of me, it will be you in that cell!" Harry threatened, but Lum held tighter.

"Afraid I cannot...I've forgotten how arms work."

"Let go of me you human cabbage!" 

"Did you just call him a human cabbage?" Cobbs asked smiling, finding humor in the situation.

"Yes I did! And I am not in the mood to joke! Now let go of me you cabbage!" Harry struggled in Lum's tight grasp.

Lum looked up thoughtfully. "I've always thought of myself as more of a carrot...."

"Let go of me!"  Harry kept struggling.

"No, Lum, you're more of a celery, I think," Cobbs replied, disregarding Harry's demands.

"And you're a potato, Cobbs," Lum said.

"God dammit, let me go!" Harry shouted. But his pleas were ignored as Cobbs and Lum tried to determine which vegetable they truly were. 

"Wait, no, I take that back; you're a fat hen, Cobbs."

"A fat hen is not even fat! And that is offensive!"

"You're're Brussels sprouts: no one likes you."

"And you're lettuce...distasteful without anything on it!"


"You know what? I'm more of a fruit anyway: sweet and enjoyable," Lum finally concluded. "But you're still Brussels sprouts, Cobbs."

"Hey! I'm not Brussels sprouts!" Cobbs looked to Harry. "I think Harry's vegetable is a tomato; he gets angry and red a lot."

"You idiot, a tomato is a fruit!" Lum reprimanded Cobbs.

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