Sumeru Archon Quest: Sumeru Academy Part 2

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It has been a solid 5 minutes and the 2 girls have finally finished sobbing to each other's shoulders

Kaeya: "ooooooook-?" He said genuinely confused to which he scratches the back of his head to

Collei: "ahem, so back to where we are... HEY CYNO LETS GIVE THEM A TOUR OF THE ACADEMY!" She said as she sprung back to life like as if she never cried a few moments ago

Cyno: "ah, you've beat me too it" he said as he sighed then smiled

"So lets get on with it shall we?" He said gesturing to what awaits behind him (technically where we left off, we were sorta outside the academy???)

— — —

Not far from the academy, a mysterious figure has been watching the party for a while now...

"What are they doing here?"

— — —

Cyno: "And that concludes this tour i hope you've all enjoyed, any questions?" he said displaying a polite smile with his amber-like eyes gazing upon the 4 of you (the main party) (also y does the narration sound so dramatic lmao-)

Lisa: "Cyno dear, did the awards display remain the same or no? I'd like to.... look at something" she says as she hesitated with the last part

Cyno: "ah.. i believe not, would you like me to acompany you there?" He offered, to which he sighed to knowing what she means

Lisa: "i would like that" she said eyes closed with a polite smile

Collei: "alrighty! Looks like i'll be your guide for now!" She said grinned whilst putting both her hands on her hips

— — —

A pair of emerald eyes scans the slightly dusty awards display then stops once she finds a peculiar photo

The photo did not have any colors except yellow and brown, as cameras were not that advanced back in the day to produce colors

The photo includes 3 people, a girl on the right around in her teen years with long hair, casual sumeru themed clothing wearing a smile, a young boy with shoulder length hair in the middle wearing a cloak with jackal ears sewn on them jumping up from happiness then finally, on the left a curly haired male also around in his teens with casual sumeru themed clothing with a proud grin. The 2 teens are holding a trophy together

Lisa: "any sign of him these past few years?" She sighed finally looking away from the photo

Cyno: "apologies, but i have not seen his presence in a while aswel.." he frowned whilst tilting his head downwards

— — —

Lumine: "so if you eat a sweet flower raw, there is a chance it would either taste sweet like it is, or it will taste bitter"  she questioned looking at the 3 peices of sweetflower before her

Paimon: "OOH! LET PAIMON TRY LET PAIMON TRY!!" She said excitedly as she does a backflip in the air

Collei: "hehe.. suit yourself! Dont get mad if it tasted awful!" She smirked, crossing her arms

                                                                          Paimon tries the middle flower

Paimon: "BLEGH ITS BITTER! SOMEONE GET PAIMON WATER!!" She shouted frantically looking around for the nearest source of water as the rest chuckle at the results

Collei: "haha! Okk, traveler! And.. blue haired guy" she said glancing here eyes at the traveller then squints her eyes as she looked at Kaeya

Kaeya: "i have a name yknow? And its K a e y a, vengeful much?" He said rolling his eyes but still displaying a smile taking the left flower as Lumine took the right

Amber: "now now.. were all friends here now alright?" She said nervously chuckling at the tan knight and magenta eyed girl hoping to relieve the tension between the 2

Lumine takes the first bite, she smiles with her results

Lumine: "i got the sweet one" she remarks as she continues to chew the head of the flower

Kaeya takes a bite, he grins puttng a hand to his chin

Kaeya: "interesting...." he said as he observed the taste

Collei: "what did you get?" She asked curiously walking towards Kaeya

Kaeya: "it's bitter-sweet" he said looking at the shorter female removing the hand from his chin

Collei: "ah, i see, thats actually quite a rare taste from sweetflowers, looks like you got lucky!" She grinned eyes closed

Cyno and Lisa returns to the party, i dont know what they would say once they come back that fits their peronality sooo ima just go with that :l

Cyno: "apologies for our absence, i hope Collei did not give you too much trouble?"  He said bowing as an apology 

Collei: "eh!? Im not all trouble yknow? >:l" she huffed crossing her arms, looking to the side eyes closed with a disbelieved expression

— — —

It is currently night time at ???

Fatui Agent: "Master, we have arranged a trip for you to Sumeru regarding the tsaritsa's request for your mission"

???: "is that so?, so thats where my task was assigned.."" the figure said crossing his legs in the chair he is currently sitting at making a mischievous grin

???: "this will be.. interesting..."

Sumeru Archon Quest Chapter 2: Sumeru Academy

Theres not much sumeru academy stuff here but o well, hope you enjoyed!

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