1 - six bucks and some family photos

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The abundance of things individuals could do for enjoyment was a favorable aspect of finally being on the surface again.

And it wasn't that the underground didn't have anything amusing to do. In fact, there was enough of it to keep the world of monsters occupied.

Alas, one could only go so many times to the same old amusement sites before they tend to grow dull.

So, if people now had all these options, why was it that, without fail, an alarming number of Sans' dates would persist on going exclusively to restaurants?


An uncomfortable air of silence blanketed the atmosphere after Sans had finished saying something. He looked up at the person opposite of him, who decided it'd be a good idea to romantically pursue him.


there's that face again.

He found himself subconsciously toying with his silverware, clattering slightly against his empty porcelain plate and its clangor bleeding in with the other restaurant rackets.

There was this obnoxious love song playing gently, too. He'd often zone out, almost rolling the small pinpricks of his sockets when he happened to catch the corny ass lyrics.

is this really how people feel when they fall in love? or am i somehow missing out on some weird inside joke everyone but me is in on?

The lights from restaurants were almost disorienting at times. He never liked the ambience, yet there he was... on a dinner date.


Speaking of which, his current one was giving him that face.

They always made it.

It looked like their eyebrows were knitted together to form one singular brow. Their eyes would grow, nearing the size of the dinner plate that sat before Sans. And their lips would force a deep frown that would make Eeyore proud. They all in all looked very dismal.

And it was always his fault. Maybe he did it on purpose at this point.

For as long as Sans could remember, the whole spiel of love was at every turn he took.

He never understood those around him who could go for practical hours on end spewing about it. How love-struck they were with their special someone due to some materialistic thing they'd possess. Or simply because 'it was meant to be' and happened on a whim, like some magical fairytale love story.

He always thought that perhaps it was because he hadn't met 'the one' yet. You know, 'the one' who'd have him feeling all dizzy and fuzzy inside. Who he'd supposedly go to the ends of the Earth for. Who he simply could not live a single second without. Or whatever those cheesy love songs would claim, because he had never experienced it before.

And that was fine by him. He didn't mind whether or not he ended up finding someone who made him feel all of that.

Unfortunately, not everyone seemed to agree with Sans' acceptance of potentially dying alone.

Almost anyone who knew him had questioned his sexuality due to his lack of romantic partners.

"Are you gay", was probably the most frequent one he got.

He'd merely shrug and say something along the lines of, "beats me," further spiraling them into confusion.

But in all honesty, Sans was pretty confused as well.

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