2 - ebott's most wanted

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Having been up on the surface for a few years, one might be led to believe that humans wouldn't have their panties in a bunch over anyone or anything scarcely different from them.

Sadly enough, panties were, in fact, in a bunch—several at that.

It wasn't uncommon to see humans posted outside of monster-safe areas or what was supposed to be monster-safe. The vile ones would be screaming and shouting obscenities at every monster within the region, holding up signs with phrases and words so obscene that even the devil himself would wince at.

And they claimed they'd be 'exercising their right to protest.'

Teleportation proved to be extremely useful in this situation. Sans didn't even have to do so much as flutter a socket lid to visit these said monster-safe places.

A little shortcut, a flash cut between the thin fabric of time and space matter sprinkled across a vast, indigo sea of galactic stars and milky ways swirling amidst one another... and voilà! Sans and his brother Papyrus were already inside one of the many few monster-safe spaces, secure from having to be screamed at and belittled by the crowd of angry humans huddled right outside.

The MTT-Brand Burger Emporium.

Sans didn't care much for the place even when they were down below. He was more a Grillby's-kind-of-guy. His brother, on the other hand, was a fanatic.

Often, the two would 'bicker' (of course, that term was used loosely because usually, it'd just be Papyrus yelling and Sans joking around to piss him off) over what they'd grab for grub that day.

Said 'bickering' would result in one of two things—a coin flip, heads representing the emporium, and tails Grillby's. Or Sans would just immediately give in and let his brother win anyway.

"WE COULD HAVE JUST TAKEN MY CAR, YOU KNOW," Papyrus pressed onto the conversation they were having prior to said shortcut, the brothers walking further into the emporium as they conversed. "I COULD HAVE RAN OVER A FEW OF THOSE PROTESTERS ON THE WAY HERE. KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE, AS THEY SAY!"

Sans laughed at that. He found it hilarious to visualize someone as sweet and pleasant as Papyrus doing something violent and gruesome as vehicular manslaughter.

"you? harming something? you couldn't even hurt a fly if you wanted to, bro."

"THAT IS UNTRUE!" Papyrus deflected, slightly offended by his brother's remark. "I'VE HARMED PLENTY OF FLIES!"

"oh yeah?" Sans asked with amusement, skimming the cashier's center.

The anthropomorphic cat that usually staffed the reception counter was nowhere to be found as they neared it. There wasn't anyone there, actually.

Perhaps they were booked, was all. This place tended to get busy around certain hours.

"YES! AND DID I FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT?" A look overcame the lanky skeleton's skull features for a moment as though he were sorting his brain. "WELL...YES, ONLY A LITTLE, BUT STILL!"

Sans shook his head and chuckled.

"you're funny."

"I KNOW I AM!" Papyrus spoke as though he were addressing everyone in the room. "NOW, WHERE IS THE EMPLOYEE? I'M STARVING!"

The pair looked around, but nobody came.

Sans merely shrugged.


Suddenly, a loud clatter muffled by the thick walls emanated from what could only be the kitchen had startled them.

There was screaming and yelling that followed shortly after, along with the sound of pots and pans violently clattering against collision.

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