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After returning to Liu Mansion, Wu Bai carefully checked the medicine jar before cleaning it and placing it on the stove. Then he opened the medicine packs, picked out the right amount of medicinal materials needed, put them in the medicine jar, added water, and put it in the medicine jar by hand. Boiled into soup.

    During this period, he did not let anyone take over. After the medicine was cooked, he personally brought the medicine bowl to Mrs. Liu's bed and made a way for Mrs. Liu to drink the soup.

    Wu Bai handed the medicine bowl to He Xia, and personally stayed by Mrs. Liu's bedside, checking the pulse every half an hour.

    Two hours later, Mrs. Liu slowly opened her eyes.

    "Madam, it's great, you finally woke up." He Xia cried with joy.

    Mrs. Liu looked at He Xia, then at Wu Bai again, and wanted to say something, but there was no sound when her lips opened and closed.

.As her personal maid, He Xia knows her best, and you can tell what she means by looking at her mouth shape, so He Xia replied: "Madam, you fainted before, it was Doctor Wu who prescribed medicine for your pulse again, you drink Wake up after going down."

    Wu Bai took Mrs. Liu's pulse again, and then said to He Xia, "Mrs. finally woke up, go and prepare some easy-to-grow food for her."

    "Yes." He Xia replied.

    After she obediently retreated, Mrs. Liu opened her lips again and said a few words, but there was still no sound.

    "Madam doesn't need to say more at this moment, you are still very weak, it will not be too late to talk about everything when you get better." Wu Bai comforted.

    As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Liu also lay on the bed honestly, stopped talking, and closed her eyes to rest.

.He Xia moved quickly, and came in with a bowl of porridge in a short while.

    Mrs. Liu heard the footsteps, opened her eyes again, and looked towards the screen. He Xia walked around the screen and put the tray on the small table beside the bed, while she carefully helped Mrs. Liu up, and then fed the porridge. Mrs. Liu.

    When Wu Bai saw He Xia coming, he went back to the small kitchen, took out the previous medicine bags, opened them and checked them carefully. Sure enough, he found that there were a lot of similar herbs in one of the medicine bags. Picked up the herbs, and then cleaned and checked the medicine jars that were used before. After confirming that there was no problem, put the herbs into it one by one, add water, and make a fire to decoct the medicine.

    When he finished frying the medicine and brought it to the room, He Xia had already finished feeding Mrs. Liu the porridge, and Wu Bai said, "It's almost time, you can feed your wife this bowl."

    "Uh-huh.".He Xia no longer doubted Wu Bai's medical skills. She honestly took the medicine and slowly fed it to Mrs. Liu.

    Mrs. Liu knew that this was a life-saving thing, and she drank the medicine very cooperatively.

    After she drank the medicine and lay down, He Xia helped her to sleep, and then went outside with Wu Bai.

    He Xia said with a guilty face: "Thank you, Doctor Wu, this time, it was the servant who misunderstood you before, I'm very sorry."

    "I accept your apology, go and prepare a room for me now." Wu Bai said lightly.

    "Yes, the servant will go here." He Xia respectfully said.

    Two days later, Mrs. Liu was able to get out of bed and walk a few steps. She knew that this time she could get better, and it was all thanks to Wu Bai. She kept ordering the servants to send all kinds of good things to Wu Bai's room.

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