Chapter 7 - It's just Ibara songs and one of Aizawa

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with Izuku

The green-haired man walked calmly through the streets and felt excited since he will be reunited with an old friend

Izuku: He said he'd be around

???: Hey manito do you have time?

Izuku: what?

???: You already lost pe chochera, take out everything

Izuku: Hey what's up-


Quispe: Izuku?

Izuku: Jair, is that you?

Jair: I'm not your old lady, obviously pe mano

What happened to your life?

Izuku: Mine? What happened to yours?

Jair: All calm little man, living the rich Vicky, well I must retire see you later.

And be careful that around here they steal

Izuku: Thanks cause, take care

where is mongolian

???: Is that how you talk to the neighborhood?

Izuku: Ash?

Ash: How long and what are you doing in Lima my dear walking broccoli

Izuku: Well, my mother received some tickets and we came my dear chasqui hoof

Ash: Oh shit, well first we're going to buy a couple of things and we'll come back with serious battery

Izuku: Sure, I want to see the pastrulos again

Ash: ok let's go

In UA – Momo's room

Kyouka: And that's how Izuku and I started dating.

Momo: And it all started with Kaminari's idiocy – she replies without believing the first part of the story

Kyouka: Yes, but it's the best thing that's ever happened to me – with a blush on his face

Mika: I'm so happy for your daughter


Mika: Well it seems you forgot who you inherited your quirk from and I wanted to know the whole story.

Kyouka: But I didn't even see you come in

Mika: That's a secret daughter

Kyouka: And dad?

Mika: The poor thing is resting, first his presentations, the traffic until you come here to listen to your boyfriend's music and the blonde who tries to impress him every so often.

A little more and I wanted to hang him

Tsuyu: How come he still hasn't given up kero

Mina: I don't know, but it wastes your time

Kyouka: Well we'd better retreat, it's already too late

The girls: You're right – after the girls left Momo was still awake in her bed

Momo: I'm glad that Kyouka found happiness, but




I wish I was in that situation - sighs defeated

It will be better to sleep, tomorrow will be another day

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