The start of momo new life

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Bold is Momo giving you her point of view
Regular is where momo is either thinking or talking unless it's in her point if view in in the bracket.

Momo:(it all started when I was going to the treasury room because mostly I wanted to keep our financial right and when I got in there and sorted everything out right I saw a funny looking lamp).

Momo: huh why is there a lamp here and it looks magical which is more confusing.

Momo:(after I got done with the treasury room I left with the lamp in my arms really noticeable even my parents can see it and I literally walked to them)

Thomas: Momo dear why do you have a lamp in your arm?

Momo: I saw this in the treasury room and I was wondering why is it in there?

Annette: oh I never knew that it was in there.

Momo:(for awhile the 3 of us was pondering and couldn't think of nothing until mom gasped happily that startled us for a moment)

Annette: what if it's a magical lamp where you rub it like the genie and the lamp.

Momo: I mean your not wrong what if it doesn't work tho?

Annette: you never know if you try?

Momo:(as I rubbed the lamp as to our surprise a person had came from it and asked what are our 3 wishes)

Izuku:(for the sake of it en don't mind his name at the moment until momo say it) you have 3 wishes please state them and I will grant it.

Momo:(to my surprise he had manners and he looks cute)

Momo:(cute) um what do you mean by 3 wishes?

Izuku: like I said you have 3 wishes to make before I come go back in there and the lamp goes missing.

Momo:(that's why I saw the lamp there in the treasury room) ok can I ask can we make any ole wishes or what exactly?

Izuku:(oh this must be their first time I don't mind telling them they do look like nice people especially her the one with the lamp) ok I'll tell you. These 3 wishes you make can be anything you want but the thing is you cannot wish for someone death, having a lot of money/being rich, and having power. Last person did that they died doing it and it reappeared me as I can see here in your humble home.

Momo:(as the 3 of us took heed to what he said we understood what he mean and I got to say it's understandable)

Momo: ok before we do that so you have a name?

Izuku: A name?

Annette: you don't have a name like her name is momo *pointing at her*

Izuku: oh no I never had that before will that identify who I am if I do have this name?

Momo:(as he said that tilting  his head was soooo cute)

Thomas: yes it does.

Momo:(just them j had an idea that I can wish for)

Momo: ok I got a wish and a name for you if your willing to hear it.

Izuku: ok what is the name you are willing to give me? And what's your wish?

Momo: your name can be Izuku and my first wish is that I wish that you can stay out of the bottle until it's your time to die

Author: (sorry Izuku my brother)

Izuku:(you good man you did me a favor I never wanted to be in there anyways but someone needs to be in there)

Author:(don't worry I got you)

Izuku: ok thank you for the name and for your wish are you sure?

Momo: yes I can see you was trapped in there for Eternity.

Izuku: I can see that ok your wish is my command.

Momo:(as izuku did the first wish he was a good rock hard person I seen by far and I couldn't stop looking at it)

Thomas: Izuku it's nice that you are a human but please button your shirt up you got an audience.

Momo:(thanks to my dad he had to do that I was kinda upset that he did it but I gotta say I know what I'm dreaming if when I go to swell tonight)

Izuku: I appreciate that you are willing to let me be a human but where am I gonna sleep at?

Momo: we got a guess room next to mines(why do I feel like everything is coming together for me at one moment so far)

Author:(if only you knew what's coming to you wishing 12 months from now)

Momo: since the author is a huge simp for me and he allows me to do it because of me and Izuku ship he allowed me to exit you precious followers out that's it for this chapter u til next time me and Izu out we both you love for following thru the first chapter of my love so far.

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