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Momo:(welcome back to momo and the genie I'll get straight to it this one is one of the worst days of my life so far it's been 3 months since I first had Izu with me and it's been a month since we had the ordeal with that gold digging slut but it was only worst from there everything was fine for a couple of months me and Izu have been doing good I've already done 2 if my wishes and by the way I saw things it was pretty much fun until the police came to my doorstep ringing the doorbell)

Momo:(who could that he?)

Momo:(as I walked to the fire with Izu we both saw the police standing there greeting us and didn't come off hostile they wanted to ask questions and we answered them)

Police: sorry about intruding your day for the both of y'all we had gotten a call about a stolen lamp and before we do make any hasty decisions or attitude not saying you would or anything ma'am sir like I said it was a call which I found is silly but they wanted us to make sure that it's not stolen.

Momo:oh ok(so this bitch called the police on me because Izuku came back on his own terms) ok can you come in we will tell you.

Police: thank you ma'am.

Momo:(as the police came in I offered them something and they politely denied they said they were going to get something to eat so that makes sense if they did)

Police: now like I said at the door I was called on a stolen lamp that you taken from a girl is that true?

Momo: *looks at Izuku*

Izuku*looks back at her and nod telling her to tell him and let his forcers know about him*

Momo:(after Izu told me to go ahead and tell him I told him everything I know about the lamp and how I find it and was a bit shame of my 2 wishes so far and the police was fascinated by it and he looked at Izu ti see if he's telling the truth and Izu nod saying the same thing Izu told him his point of view and how the genie of the lamp works and ti our knowledge the police seem to be in our side and went on the radio and told his forcers that it was a misunderstanding and that he was taken from me. The officer told us that one day he hopes that Izu is free from the lamp and we both smile but only I know what I was gonna do and I was set on it now since that slut decided to frame me from stealing a lamp that was already mine)

Izuku: I can't believe that this girl had the audacity to frame you for something you didn't do and called the police over something silly.

Momo: tell me about but I'm glad the officer let us talk about it then having to try to get the lamp from us and you leaving again because if her selfish needs. (Smiles cutely)

Momo:(that's when I seen that I've captured his heart he never said a word when I smiled at him so cutely at him he was gonna say something in the next moment but he stopped himself from talking it was like he was scared ti say something to me)

Izuku:(one day momo if I'm ever free from this you gonna be the one I want to live forever even if it kills me)

Momo:(as Izuku saw me he never let his eyes wonder to my body which I'm quite shock now because 3 months guys  looks at my assets then look at my face)

Momo:(as Izuku saw me he never let his eyes wonder to my body which I'm quite shock now because 3 months guys  looks at my assets then look at my face)

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Momo: (this is what I'm wearing but to him I feel like I'm wearing this)

Momo:(without the ears and the tail tbh but I will end it here as me being framed and a little spoilers in the next chapter she had set me over the edge and I finished the last wish that I've been saving and soon after that me and Izu? You will fi...

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Momo:(without the ears and the tail tbh but I will end it here as me being framed and a little spoilers in the next chapter she had set me over the edge and I finished the last wish that I've been saving and soon after that me and Izu? You will find out in that one until next time izumomo lover out)

Momo and the lampWhere stories live. Discover now