Chapter Two - Home

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"I don't want you to be afraid. I want you to be terrified."


   ASHTON whistles when Calum opens the door to their new home. From what he can see, the inside looked much better than the outside. The exterior needed work, but that can be done over time.

"Well, aren't you going to invite me in?" Ashton comments after being blocked from an invisible force. Calum laughs in response. "You think I should invite you in after you decide to choose a two year degree?! You told me we wouldn't be here long. What the hell am I supposed to do for two years?" Ashton rolls his eyes at Calum's response. "Oh get over it. Two years will fly by. Now invite me in or I'll make it three years."

Calum mutters under his breath, but invites Ashton inside their new home. The vampire speeds across the house, exploring every room to see how well Calum had done. The house was built in 1980. While it still held some characteristics of that year, there were modern touches as well. Calum had already started moving in the furniture. The fireplace was lit and warmed the living room.

"You picked well, Cal." Ashton comments as he races down the stairs. "Of course I do. I have excellent taste unlike you." Calum says, causing Ashton to laugh at his sassy remark. Ashton plops down on the couch, and his thoughts travel to Luke, his piercing blue eyes and his pink colored smile. He's seen a fair amount of beauty in his life, but Luke was different somehow. The blond was the definition of beauty. His smile made Ashton want to get on his knees and propose a lifetime of love and happiness right then and there.

"Oi! This furniture isn't going to move itself!" Calum shouts from the front door. Ashton rolls his eyes, smiling to himself. "Luke." he mutters to himself, liking the way the name rolled off his tongue. He felt like a lovesick puppy. A foolish lovesick puppy at that. Here he is, fantasizing about a stranger who will grow old and die one day. While Ashton, is an immortal who's chances of dying are slim to nothing.

Immortality can be a pain in the ass sometimes, Ashton concludes for the millionth time.


Luke was thinking about two things after class. One, Ashton. One of the most, if not the most handsome man he's ever met in his life. Two, the horrid photo that Michael had set on their professors laptop. Definitely not one of the most handsome things he has ever seen.

Michael was currently held back, most likely receiving hell fire from the professor. Though Luke found the prank hilarious, he felt bad for their professor. The middle aged man is overworked and underpaid to receive disrespect like that. Luke was going to be sure to give Michael extra hellfire for that stunt.

While the thought of the photo is revolting, the image quickly disappears as his thoughts travel back to the hazel-eyed beauty. The way dimples pierced his cheeks when Ashton smiled. The way he looked at him as Luke rambled to a complete stranger. He wasn't going to lie, his stomach flipped and fluttered when he realized the beauty was staring at him.

Luke's stomach flutters a second time that day when he realizes that he will see Ashton again. He isn't sure why he feels so drawn to him. He has only spoken a few words, and here he is, acting like this is a middle school crush. Calm yourself. You hardly know him.

Luke sighs and unlocks his car. He has work in two hours and is going to be late if he keeps daydreaming about Ashton. The drive back to his apartment is one hour, which isn't too bad. His manager is understanding if Luke is a tad bit late, thankfully. Still, Luke doesn't like to be late and give any trouble. A goody two shoes, Michael likes to call him.

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