"I suddenly became an older brother"

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Izana Korukawa
Part 1: connections
Summary:Korukawa Izana has a hard life and suffered loneliness being separated from his mother and little sister.he always wanted a older brother and he have one but that didn't stay long.what happens when izana became the person he wanted to have.


Izana's pov:


Izana sigh as he watches his classmates from the reform school play and laugh happily while he was just sitting in the corner with a bored faces. It's not like he didn't want to have friends but in fact he wants to have a lot it's just that people find him hard to approach because their are scared of him, not because his ugly Izana is a good looking guy with silver-white hair and Abbys purple like eyes and he also have a tanned skin.

It's his 5th year in this reform school. Its already 5 years ago since he last met his mother and his little sister whom he loved so much. Even though it's already 5 years he still remember their faces clearly. He wonder what his little sister Emma look like now. Did she become taller? Is someone  bullying her because of her foreign name? Is she doing okay? Does she miss me? More importantly is she happy?. He had a lot of questions showing his longing for his mother and sister but he can't show it because he promised his mother to be strong. That's right Izana is Emma's older brother that's why he have to be strong when he get out of the reform school he'll find his mother and sister and they will be happy like how it always was before. But even though it's always that way Izana won't admit it their were times that he wanted to cry but he can't because for him it count as a weakness.

One day theres this guy named Sano Shinichiro, he claimed to be my brother. I was really happy when he told me about how Emma started to learn cooking and Emma's new favorite things. It seems my sister is doing good. I was really happy too when he said he was my older brother, I've always wanted a older brother. He teaches me a lot of things like fashion, bikes, motors, hairstyle, and delinquent World. He is the 1st generation black dragon founder and president. My brother is really cool!!right?. I also planned to create a kingdom like brother it's called tenjiku and I'll be it's king and kakucho is my servant.

Unlike me kakucho go to the reform school because his parents died in the car accident he even had a scar because of it. It's really unfair we are good kids and didn't do anything why do we have to stay here while their others who are the with us but live differently from us. That's why when tenjiku is finally created it will be a place for people like me and kakucho to stay comfortably and do anything we want.

Brother said he'll let me take over black dragons after him but then he said Mikey will takeover after me. I don't like it when brother talk about Mikey he keep saying Mikey this Mikey that. I don't get it he get to be with Emma and brother while I have to be separated with them and stay here in the reform school until I graduated. Brother shin said mikey is two years younger than me, he had a blonde hair lighten than emma and black eyes darker than brother shin. Why is world so cruel to me? Just because he was born in a better family he gets to live better than me?.

There are times when brother can't visit me Prequently but thats fine I always Send him letters and he respond quickly. I met alot of new people like the haitani brothers:Ran and Rindou their always together and help each other out. I hope I can be with brother shin and emma too. Kanji and mucho too their really mature. They are the same age at me and they also got along with kakucho because I told them to. They are now my servants and their all loyal. There's also shion he became the 9th generation leader after me, he even lost against toman which mikeys gang but that doesn't matter anyway his my servant and he'll follow my orders. One time there's a guy who mocked my group,well it doesn't affect us at all but as a gratitude I gave him a good beating:it's just a light beating I just broke some of his bones that didn't allow him to walk anymore nothing serious that can threaten his life. Next day it was announced that he committed suicide, well that's  not my fault it was his decision to do suicide. At least he realized his mistake in messing with my group.

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