Trying to Move On.

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3 months. That's how long it's been since I've been celibate.


My friends like to joke and say that once the season starts, I go celibate. That's not entirely true. While I do slow down, - especially now that I'm captain - I still have my fun. When I got named team captain, I didn't make a vow to myself not to have sex. That's torture. Yet, here I am. It's been three months since I've had sex, hell since I've kissed anyone. At first, it was because I was too busy, too focused. Now? Well, I'm still too busy and too focused, but add on the fact that I'm completely whipped over a girl who I can never have.

I've tried not to show it as much these past couple of weeks since I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable around me. I never wanted to lose her friendship and I'm glad we were able to zip around the fact that I tried to kiss her. Being rejected isn't fun at all, I'm probably still recovering. Still, I'm content with the relationship Brynn and I do have. We're friends and nothing more. I'm content with that. I have to be.

I'm single like I have been for the past 21 years. I've never let some crush drive me celibate so why start now, right? Maddy, Max, Rhys, and I are going out tonight. This is the perfect opportunity to find myself someone to take home tonight. God, knows I fucking need it.

"Cgc, hurry up!" Maddy shouts out to me from downstairs. "Yeah," I shout back. I fix my hair in the mirror one last time and spray on a couple of spritz of my YSL cologne. I grab my phone from the charger and my wallet before making my way downstairs. The boys wait by the hallway while Maddy kisses Xander's face all over, leaving behind red lipstick stains. "Love ya," she says with a smile. Xander smirks, "Take care of my girl." I don't know who he's directing that to specifically but I give him a nod as leave.

It only takes about twenty minutes to get to the bar because of traffic. When we enter the bar, it's packed - not surprising. Luckily just as were arriving, a couple was leaving so we quickly took over the booth they were seated at. Rhys sits next to me while Maddy and Max sit in front of us. Maddy quickly grabs the small drink menu and skims for something. She's been working a crazy amount of hours since school started again. She gets days off occasionally but since she's supporting herself financially, she doesn't think getting days off is an option. This is one of her days off and she ranted earlier about how she needed a night out.

Christian and Nova were going to join us but ended up taking a nap and were too tired to wake up. Xander wasn't feeling good so he stayed back as well. I figured I might as well come since I've been thinking about sex entirely too much to function. Rhys follows me anywhere I go, and Maddy invited Max.

The waiter walks over and we all order a drink along with some shots. Maddy runs a shaky hand through her long, raven hair. "You good?" I ask. She looks up from the table to me and nods. "I just need some alcohol in me and I'll be perfect," she tells me. The table rattles slightly and I notice how she's anxiously tapping her foot against the ground. Something is definitely bothering her. Whether it's Xander, work, school, or all of the above I can't exactly tell. I'd ask but I'm not in the mood for a snarky remark. I'll wait until later.

Max wraps his arm around the booth, behind Maddy's head. "I'm nervous about next weeks game," he says. I roll my eyes immediately. Everyone's been talking about next weeks game against Oregon. It's one of the most anticipated games of our season. They won their game earlier this afternoon just like we did, making both of us undefeated. Next week, one of us won't be undefeated any longer, but it is not going to be Oak Hill. I don't know why they're so worried but I'm not. We've been doing great this year and if I really had anything to worry about, I wouldn't be here tonight.

Most of the time, I don't allow myself to rest after a game. I immediately study our next opponent - this one being the Ducks - and see if there's anything we need to work on. I try to find the flaws in their plays and ours to see if there are things we can use to our advantage. Personally, Oregon was one of my favorite college teams growing up. I watched them play every Saturday and even when I started playing with Oak Hill, I didn't stop watching them. The fun thing is, we play them every year. We won last year and the year before and they were just as good. I'm not worried about a thing.

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